Part 2, Part 3 Today I’m going to give the Museum of Tolerance (MoT) a chance to redeem themselves. Perhaps their argument from yesterday’s article was one of their weaker ones. Let’s see what they have to say about Holocaust revisionists: This is my response to that: Holocaust affirmers have literally done everything MoT mentioned….
Month: February 2023
Gas Chamber PPE
Thanks to a user on the CoDoH forum I have a new website to pick on, the Museum of Tolerance (MoT). They have a section dedicated to rebutting Holocaust denial. Here is their answer to the bodies being removed right after they were gassed. Notice how they do not refute the claim that bodies were…
Body Count
The Holocaust Encyclopedia (HE), which is hosted by the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum, presents this list of Jewish Holocaust deaths. Here is the footnote for ‘other’: The following is HE’s vague explanation for how they got the numbers and an admission that they are just estimates. HE also states, “As more documents come…
Here it is folks, IRREFUTABLE evidence of the Holocaust from the Holocaust Encyclopedia (HE), which is a part of the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum. Is it really IRREFUTABLE? Are my days as a Holocaust revisionist over because of this IRREFUTABLE evidence? The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg (IMT) is also referred to as…
Cookie Monster
Since I just debunked a Holocaust affirming meme I thought I’d be fair and address a Holocaust denying meme. This meme is correct in spirit, but not in execution. It is true that it takes at least an hour for a body to be cremated (I will discuss this in detail later) with the type…
Gotcha! Part Seven
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 J.A Toft and Sons: J.A. Topf and Sons (which I will refer to as Topf) was an engineering company founded in 1878 in Erfurt, Germany, by Johannes Andreas Topf. During WW2 they built crematorium ovens for the camps. According to this Wikipedia article Topf assisted the Nazis into making mass…
Gotcha! Part Six
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7 Himmler’s Report number 51: A websearch for this item will lead you to an entry from the Jewish Virtual Library. This is the extent of that entry: Looking at this table with all the ingrained assumptions that most have about the Holocaust might have one thinking…
Gotcha! Part Five
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7 500 Known Mass Graves in Ukraine: 500 mass graves might sound impressive to the casual observer, but this is only because the casual observer doesn’t actually know that much about the Holocaust. First off, the alleged death camps were all located in Poland. Not Germany,…
Gotcha! Part Four
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Still looking for that gotcha evidence. Physical Evidence: This item is rather vague and I could assume that 500 known mass graves in Ukraine is what they’re referring to, but I want to address that separately. The following is the Wikipedia entry for Evidence…
Gotcha! Part Three
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 This meme is going down. I left off with the following excerpt from Wikipedia in part two. They claim that Goebbels dairies provides evidence for the Holocaust because they contained copies of the Wannsee Conference protocols. Thing is the Wannsee protocols are actually…