Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 During my summer break, the following comment was left by user “Herbert Williams.” As you can see, it is quite the effort post. I would say it’s fair to assume that these are some of Herbert’s best arguments in favor of the official Holocaust narrative. Let’s get…
Month: July 2023
Fuel for Cremation Part Three
Part 1, Part 2 We are left with two more paragraphs to address in Holocaust Denial on Trial’s (HDoT) article on fuel deliveries to Auschwitz-Birkenau. However, since I have already thoroughly debunked the claim of open-air cremations, we can skip over the second paragraph. HDoT states: “There is proof that the ovens were designed to…
Fuel for Cremation Part Two
Part 1, Part 3 In part one I demonstrated that despite the lack of documents, we can use available data to infer that the amount of coke (refined coal) delivered to Auschwitz/Birkenau is consistent with the cremation of registered detainees deceased in the camp—not with the mass alleged gassings. Today I will be addressing Holocaust…
Fuel for Cremation Part One
Part 2, Part 3 Holocaust Denial on Trial (HDoT) asks the question, “Was there enough coal available at Auschwitz-Birkenau to cremate the remains of nearly 900,000 Jewish victims?” HDoT follows this question up by repeating a claim from David Irving. I am not interested in defending Irving’s particular claim, which doesn’t matter to the overall…
The Real Conspiracy Theory
Michael Peinovich recently debated History Speaks (HS) on the topic of the Holocaust, with Peinovich representing the revisionist side. You can find the video here. I will only be addressing one aspect of the debate in this article. If you would like more in-depth discussion, check out this CoDoH forum thread. Throughout the debate HS…
Another New Dramatization
Elie Wiesel’s book Night taught a whole generation about the supposed horrors of the Holocaust. Today, however, Night is no longer classified as non-fiction and most schools do not have it on their reading list. Because of Night’s disconnect with the official Holocaust narrative, and because Wiesel is no longer alive to promote himself, Night…