Part 1 Holocaust fabulists would prefer that you defer to their authority and not do any actual thinking for yourself. What do you know? You’re just a random person. You don’t have the credentials to question Holocaust claims. Just listen and believe. With that in mind, let’s look at some more crazy claims about open-air…
Search Results for: Operation Reinhard
Operation Reinhard Open Air Cremation Part One
Holocaust fabulists just want to grill. Today I will be addressing the following topic from Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDoT: As is typical of Holocaust fabulists “debunking” Holocaust revisionists, the argument of the revisionist is portrayed in a stupid and inaccurate way. From HDoT: What a confusing and unhelpful way to describe Dean Irebodd‘s…
Operation Reinhard Camp Survivors Part Two
Part 1 In part one I promised to address the lack of evidence of the remains of 1.7 million allegedly murdered Jews. But first, for the sake of completeness I must address the following section from Holocaust Denial on Trial’s (HDoT) article. HDoT once again drags out their strawman, “Holocaust denier Carlo Mattogno argues that…
Operation Reinhard Camp Survivors Part One
Part 2 Today I will blow away another strawman that Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDoT, has erected. HDoT states that just because there were survivors of the Operation Reinhard camps that doesn’t mean they aren’t extermination camps. Of course this is true, however, neither Carlo Mattogno, or any other revisionist, base their arguments against…
Piles of Stolen(?) Goods
In their article, Operation Reinhard Evidence: Theft of Possessions, HDoT poses the question, “How do we know that possessions shipped from the death camps of Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor actually came from Jews murdered there?” Does HDoT provide evidence that the Nazis stole goods from murdered Jews? Read on to find out. In typical HDoT style, they did not…
The Alleged Treblinka Gas Chamber Part One
Part 2 The official narrative of the Operation Reinhard camps are rife with problems. Some examples that I have already written about include, the fact no proper crime scene investigations of the camps were performed, orthodox Holocaust historians cannot explain where the wood for the cremation of over one million bodies came from, and that…
A Rather Stupid Lie
Part 2 Orthodox Holocaust historians have not been able to find traces of the alleged gas chambers in the Operation Reinhard camps (read my series about that topic here). The discovery of some tiles in Treblinka do not change this fact, despite officials trying to claim otherwise. Read on to learn why. The following article…
700,000 Bodies
(This article was originally published on October 26th, 2022. It has been updated with new information.) Orthodox Holocaust historians allege that Treblinka was a pure death camp with the sole purpose of extermination. They estimate the death count to be about 925,000 Jews. That’s nearly the amount that is said to have been murdered in…
No Gas Chamber Traces Part Four
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Since Holocaust Denial on Trial (HDoT) neglected to tell us about any physical traces of the alleged homicidal gas chambers in Sobibor it is my duty to pick up the slack. I have already written a very interesting article (read it!) about the alleged homicidal gas chambers of Sobibor. I…
No Gas Chamber Traces Part Three
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 In the Holocaust Denial on Trial (HDoT) article about physical traces of the alleged homicidal gas chamber buildings at the Operation Reinhard camps they only present ‘evidence’ of the alleged gas chambers in Treblinka. Belzec and Sobibor are ignored. You would think that if there is such great evidence…