Part 1 It’s time for another installment of “Owns Gone Wrong,” a segment where people who disagree with me—and therefore are wrong—make an argument for their side but end up helping mine instead. For today’s episode let’s start by taking a look at the Twitter (X) account of “Max Ou.” Max has been on Twitter…
Search Results for: wiesel
Super Effective Brainwashing
If you’re not seeing this headline from The Times of Israel (ToI) as some real dystopian stuff, then you are under the spell of Holocaust indoctrination. Having trouble seeing the insidiousness of a custom-tailored Holocaust-affirming exhibit? Just keep reading. A little background info: the exhibit was aimed at the children of White Plains Middle School….
Another New Dramatization
Elie Wiesel’s book Night taught a whole generation about the supposed horrors of the Holocaust. Today, however, Night is no longer classified as non-fiction and most schools do not have it on their reading list. Because of Night’s disconnect with the official Holocaust narrative, and because Wiesel is no longer alive to promote himself, Night…
Honest Night
Author’s Note: Elie Wiesel’s book Night taught a generation of students about the Holocaust. Today, Night is no longer being pushed by Holocaust affirmers due to the contradictions between the book and the official Holocaust narrative, but I will not let them sweep their dirty mess under the rug. During his lifetime Wiesel was taken…
Faked Photographs Part Three
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 In parts one and two I covered Soviet manipulation of photographs. The USSR was not alone in deceptively using photography to promote a narrative. Consider the following photograph. It is one of many pictures featuring liberated Jews behind a barbed wire fence. There are so many photos like this…
A friend of the site let me in on a new ADL Holocaust propaganda project. Even though we’ve been assured that there is overwhelming, irrefutable evidence of the Holocaust, it is the only historical event that has to actively promote the official narrative while suppressing revisionists. There is a lot to unpack from this new…
Origin of the Term ‘Holocaust’
(This article was originally posted on October 24th, 2002. It has been updated with new information) How did the word ‘Holocaust’ come to be the term for the supposed atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis in WW2? Elie Wiesel, a well-known survivor of Auschwitz/Birkenau, made a big contribution to popularizing the term. Wiesel was one of…
Flaming Chimneys
Many Jewish survivors of the German labor camps claim that they saw flaming chimneys at Auschwitz/Birkenau. First and foremost it is important to understand that the presence of these chimneys is not at all sinister. They belonged to the crematoriums which the Germans used as a preventative measure against the spread of disease by being…
Happy Halloween!
When Night by Elie Wiesel was released in 1960 it was presented as the true story of Wiesel’s WW2 experiences. In the spirit of Halloween I present you with a spooky tale from Night. Several Pages later Wiesel makes a point of referencing this incredible, straight out of a movie, story to make sure that…
Shedding Light on ‘Night’
When the first English translation of Elie Wiesel’s Night was released in 1960 it was a non-fiction book that was ‘beyond criticism’. This book was presented as the true autobiography of Wiesel and many students were required to read it. Today a Google search will show you that this same book is fictional children’s literature….