Today I will examine the evidence for open-air cremations at Auschwitz/Birkenau from Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDot.
HDoT starts by saying that Mattogno demonstrated that 900,000 bodies couldn’t have been cremated in the ovens as Auschwitz/Birkenau but his complex calculations are somehow irrelevant even though HDoT admits that there was overflow that the ovens couldn’t handle and they were burned in pit. That’s a funny way of saying that Mattogno was correct. If you would like to see Mattogno’s complex calculations you can find them in this article.
HDot asserts that testimony and photographs to prove the existence of the burning pits. In part one we covered the inconsistency of the witness testimony. I also demonstrated that the aerial photos from August, 1944 showed no evidence massive burn pits. Will HDoT’s bring anything new to the table?
In the following section we have claims about the burning pits from Filip Müller’s in the second paragraph. It’s important to note that Müller also claimed that the muscles from the body parts of just murdered persons were put into buckets, causing the buckets to jump about.
In the third paragraph from above HDot presents to testimony of Dr. Charles Bendel. Right away we can see the the size of Bendel’s trenches are not the same as Müller’s. The following is testimony given by Bendel in a court of law where he makes a impossible claim. It is clear that like Müller, Bendel is an unreliable witness.
The last paragraph in the section talks about photos of outdoor cremations taken covertly by a Sonderkommando. Below are the photographs that are being referred to.
Carlo Mattogno’s book, Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations, has a chapter dedicated the four photos taken by the Sonderkommando. After analyzing the above two photographs Mattogno gives the following conclusion (for more details see pages 41-49 of Mattogno’s book):
Now we come to the aerial photographs where a photograph from July 8th, 1944 is referenced.
Here is that photo from July 8, 1944 where smoke is visible. It is clear that this is not enough smoke to indicate that there were giant burning pits. So what is the explanation for the smoke?
In the next paragraph there is a refutation of Mattogno’s claim that the smoke is from burning trash. When I go to the site referenced I found the following information below. Mattogno did not actually make the claim of the burning trash. Good work, HDoT.
Carlo Mattogno’s actual explanation for the smoke is given in Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations. He figures that the amount of smoke indicates a cremation of 60-70 corpses, not a mass cremation as claimed by the official Holocaust narrative.
HDoT even has an excuse for no there being no sign of burning pits on photos from June 26, 1944; “…on June 26, 1944, when the Allies flew over Auschwitz-Birkenau on their way to bombing factory targets, showed no open-air burning pits.[8] This is because the deportation of Hungarian Jews was suspended during this time.” Thing is, whether the pits were in operation or not there should be a sign of them in the photos.
That is the extent of evidence HDoT provides for the existence of the burning pits. HDoT does not explain how these pits would be logistically possible. There is a matter of the fuel needed to burn hundreds of thousands of bodies. There is the matter of the marshy nature and high water table of the area where the camp was. What happened to the excavated dirt, what happened to the ashes? HDoT addresses none of this. So now we are left with no evidence for the existence of massive burn pits and the admission that the crematory ovens could not have handled burning all of the alleged gassing victims.