While researching my last series of articles, I was reading the Wikipedia entry for Rudolf Vrba and stumbled upon the claim about piles of stuff allegedly found when Auschwitz was liberated, which reminded me that I need to do an article on this topic.
If you are a conditioned Holocaust believer, you are meant to accept that the personal effects listed above belonged to Jews that were gassed, and you are not supposed to entertain any other possibilities. So let’s entertain some possibilities.
First, perhaps some of the items belonged to people that died. Not from gassing, but from other, non-homicidal, causes. The claim that most Jews were immediately sent to the gas chamber without being registered only has witness testimony to back it up. There is documented evidence for 69,000 prisoners who were registered in the camp that died (not from gassing) between July 29, 1941 and December 31, 1943. These deaths were recorded in the Auschwitz Death Books (Sterbebücher). Interestingly enough, only 42% of these recorded deaths were of Jewish people. Even more interesting is the fact that the death books for after 1943 are missing. Allow yourself to speculate on why this is, and while you do that, keep in mind that it was the Soviet Union that liberated the camps.
Speaking of the Soviet Union, a lot of people do not realize that all of the alleged death camps were in Poland, none were in Germany. So it was the Soviets that liberated them, investigated them, and presented what they supposedly found in them to the world. Since the Soviet Union is known for propaganda and manipulating photographs, it is not unreasonable to suspect that the Soviets could have planted some—if not all—of the items “found” in Auschwitz for propaganda purposes. And I must admit that it is effective propaganda. When a conditioned Holocaust believer looks at the picture below and is told that it is a box of wedding rings forcibly removed from prisoners and confiscated by the Nazis, they believe it and their emotions are stirred.
Let’s just think about what was found for a minute. Clothing, personal effects—7 tons of hair. Why would the Nazis save the hair of their alleged victims? The reason new arrivals to the camps had their head shaved was to deal with the lice problem and stop the spread of deadly diseases like typhus. Why save hair that could potentially spread disease? Furthermore, if they were saving it for whatever reason, hair would be easy to dispose of, even if the Nazis were in a hurry to leave the camp. Which brings us to our next consideration to entertain.
According to the official Holocaust narrative, the Nazis went to great lengths to cover up their crimes at Auschwitz. According to a History.com article, “Those officers who stayed burned documents in a last-ditch attempt to hide their crimes.” There is no evidence for this claim, but we’re going to play along anyway. So the Nazis made a last-ditch effort to hide their crime by burning documents—a task they must have succeeded at, as there are no Nazi documents that order the extermination of Jews. There are no Nazi documents relating to homicidal gas chambers. And this was not just for Auschwitz; no Nazi documents of this sort were found anywhere. Even though there is a lack of Nazi documentation to corroborate the main accusations against the Germans, we’re supposed to believe that “The Holocaust is the best-documented case of genocide.” Then we are supposed to believe that while the Nazis were burning documents they didn’t think to burn the 7 tons of human hair and massive piles of clothing that could easily be used by the Soviets as anti-Nazi propaganda.
The story of SS men hurriedly burning documents may have you thinking that Auschwitz was evacuated in a rush. This is not the case. Earlier in the History.com article from above it is stated:
“As the government and military began to collapse within Germany, Nazi officials in both Germany and occupied Poland began to think about their endgame. In November 1944, Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS and one of the architects of the Holocaust, issued an abrupt order to destroy the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest of Auschwitz’s three main camps. Historians disagree on why he issued the command, which was in direct opposition to a previous order by Adolf Hitler to destroy the remaining Jews in Europe.”
The excerpt below is from the distinguished Holocaust historian, Raul Hilberg, that states the the Soviets did not reach the area of Auschwitz until mid-January 1945. Himmler’s alleged order for the destruction of the buildings that housed the alleged gas chambers was made on November 25th. An order like this would have been made because the Germans knew they were losing the war; therefore, the Germans would have had several weeks to implement their retreat into Germany. It wouldn’t have been a last minute effort at all.
Then there is the fact that the Soviets found 7,000 living inmates. The Nazis had plenty of time to kill the remaining prisoners in the camp, so why didn’t they? Why leave them behind to to potentially tell of all the alleged evildoings of the Nazis? Could it possibly be because the Nazis hadn’t murdered a million Jews and leaving behind witnesses didn’t matter because no crimes were being committed?
Let’s assume that all the items listed, in the quantities claimed, were found in Auschwitz. That still does not make these piles evidence of Nazi-perpetuated murder. There can be innocent explanations for all of it. Consider the following excerpt from Germar Rudolf’s book, Lectures on the Holocaust—Controversial Issues Cross-Examined. A pile of shoes was also found at Majdanek and was used as evidence of Nazi murders. However, it came to light that “one of the companies which employed detainees from the Majdanek Camp had set up a shop in the camp where old shoes were repaired. The piles of shoes found by the Soviets were the stocks of this shop.” This makes me wonder if there were any documents to explain the piles of stuff in Auschwitz that, like the 1944 Death Book, went missing. About piles of shoes Rudolf also says, “However, a pile of shoes, in and of itself, proves nothing but the fact that someone has put them there; after all, the piles of old clothing and discarded shoes we come across during charity drives do not prove that their former owners were murdered” (page 18).
One last thing to consider: pile manipulation. The following is a display from the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum. You can see a tourist video of it here. It looks like a lot of shoes.
However, the following picture from Tripadvisor accidently shows a bar that is holding up a platform (which I have highlighted in yellow). It looks as though that this display isn’t a pile at all, rather a layer of shoes being held up by a tilted board. If the Holocaust is so true, why the need for dishonest displays?
All considered, it’s obvious that piles of stuff are being used as a replacement for actual physical evidence, which the Holocaust affirmers are severely lacking. That said, I will now sign off with an important quote:
“I have viewed piles of shoes that don’t correspond with pits full of Jews.” -Svenpai
It should read
“I have viewed piles of shoes that don’t correspond with pits full of Jews.” -Svenpai, noted holocaust historian and philosopher
Der Holocaust ist nur eine Lüge
Thanks for the post