(Click here for information on the Theresienstadt Ghetto in Terezin)
The Theresienstadt Family Camp (TFC) was located in Auschwitz/Birkenau in the highlighted section below.
The following is the orthodox narrative of the camp according to Wikipedia:
The Theresienstadt family camp (Czech: Terezínský rodinný tábor, German: Theresienstädter Familienlager), also known as the Czech family camp, consisted of a group of Jewish inmates from the Theresienstadt ghetto in Czechoslovakia, who were held in the BIIb section of the Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration camp from 8 September 1943 to 12 July 1944. The Germans created the camp to mislead the outside world about the Final Solution.
Here we can see the common theme that anything that goes against the official Holocaust narrative was a ploy or Nazi propaganda to fool people about the true intent of Jewish genocide—just like anyone that questions the Holocaust narrative must also believe in a flat earth and reptile people. When you don’t have arguments, just muddy the waters.
Let’s examine this claim that Wikipedia repeats:
The family camp was mentioned in an article on page nine of the Jewish Chronicle in London on 25 February 1944: “There are also 7,000 Czechoslovak Jews in the camp. They had been deported to Birkenau last summer.”[85] On 9 June, the official newspaper of the Polish government-in-exile reported prominently that 7,000 Czech Jews had been murdered in the gas chambers at Auschwitz, and that they had been forced to write postdated postcards to their families.[86] These allegations were confirmed days later by the dissemination of the Vrba–Wetzler report, which provided more detail on the Jews in the family camp and their fate.[87] On 14 June, Jaromír Kopecký, a Czechoslovak diplomat in Switzerland, passed a copy of the report to the ICRC; the report mentioned the first liquidation of the family camp and that the remaining detainees were scheduled to be murdered on 20 June.[88]
As regular readers of this site will know, the claim that 7,000 Czech Jews had been murdered in gas chambers is false, as it has been positively demonstrated that the alleged gas chambers in Auschwitz/Birkenau could not have worked the way that Holocaust fabulists said they worked. If you are not a regular reader of the site and you do not know why it is impossible that the alleged homicidal gas chambers existed, I suggest you start here and here.
Of course, it would be a rather short article if I stopped there. What is important to note is that there is no physical evidence and no Nazi documents to back up the claim of the 7,000 Jews being gassed. Instead, as usual, the narrative is propped up by witness testimony. Most of this testimony comes from the Vrba-Wetzler report (aka the Auschwitz Report), which I have previously written about here. In the aforementioned article, I demonstrated how both Vrba and Wetzler, and their report, are unreliable. (The other major source of testimony is Otto Wolken, who will be addressed in a future article.)
I have also previously written about Vrba’s exciting escape from Auschwitz. In this alleged escape, Vrba supposedly covered himself in gasoline to fool the tracking dogs. This is actually, quite honestly, very stupid. Gasoline will not eliminate up a person’s natural odor, and tracking dogs are trained to decipher the scent they are following from other scents.
Besides unreliable witness testimony, we have another glaring problem. Below is a table compiled by Carlo Mattogno in his book, Healthcare in Auschwitz. Because of his eye for detail, he was able to catch the Holocaust fabulists in an absurd claim which will reveal itself below. Pay attention to the dates in this table.

Danuta Czech, a Polish historian and Holocaust fabulist, wrote a book called The Auschwitz Chronicle: 1939–1945. For the date of March 8th, 1944, she wrote the following about the first gassing:
Toward the morning, a total of 3,791 Jewish prisoners from Theresienstadt—men, women and children—have been killed in Crematoria II and III. (source: page 145)
From this information Mattogno concludes:
…the transports of September and December 1943 are said to have been kept in quarantine with “SB.” Since the official historiography arbitrarily assigns “gassing” to the abbreviation “SB” (Special Treatment), this their logic would imply that the transports in question [the September and December transports] were gassed after six months in quarantine! (source: page 145)
Only in the zany world of the Holocaust fabulists would it make sense to house, feed, and clothe people that were meant extermination for six months. Especially considering that food, medicine, and the like, was in short supply both in the camps and for civilians in general.
To conclude I will cite the revisionist Holocaust Encyclopedia:
Unfortunately, documentation about the inmates deported from the Theresienstadt Ghetto is incomplete. From the extant documents, one can conclude, however, that a wanton killing of these Jews, which would have affected many fit for labor, is highly unlikely. As a group, their fate can be deduced as having been altogether innocuous. Many more were transferred to other camps than previously assumed, and even those inmates considered “unfit” for anything – infants, young children and geriatrics – were generally left unharmed.
If you would like all the nitty gritty details of the Theresienstadt family camp see section 6.1 in Healthcare in Auschwitz.
Vrba was a witness for the prosecution at the first Zündel trial — I imagine they thought he would help convince the jury that the Germans really did commit mass murder of Jews — but Zündel had very capable people like Arthur Butz and Robert Faurisson helping with his defense, and the cross-examination of Vrba by Zündel’s lawyer Doug Christie proved to be an embarrassment for both the prosecution and Vrba — as with Raul Hilberg, who was similarly embarrassed on cross-examination, Vrba did not appear at the second Zündel trial.
The Zündel Trials (1985 and 1988)