We now come to the last installment of examining Holocaust Denial on Trial’s (HDoT) reason the orthodox Holocaust historians know what happened in the alleged death camps of Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec. Thus far I am unconvinced that they actually knew what went on in Treblinka and Sobibor. Maybe Belzec will be different.
Today’s helper will be Carlo Mattogno’s book, Belzec—Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History.
I have previously written about how it was claimed that electricity was the method of murder in Belzec. There were also reports that human soap was being manufactured in Belzec. Both these claims are no longer being made today.
Next we have The Black Book of Soviet Jewry or simply The Black Book. Below is what Wikipedia has to say about it. The authors, Ilya Ehrenburg and Vasily Grossman are celebrated Jewish figures.
Here is some choice atrocity propaganda from the book regarding Belzec. Here we have both the claim of death by electricity and human soap.
When it comes to the investigations of the site HDoT doesn’t have much to say. Over 5 decades after the war archaeologist, Andrzej Kola, found mass graves and instead of examining these graves he charted them to enable the building of memorials that would impede further investigations of the site.
Here is what Belzec looks like today.
Was Kola’s investigation so conclusive that it warranted literally burying the crime scene? Let’s find out.
It is important to know that Kola did not do an archaeological dig, he merely took core samples. Here is a table of the dimensions and estimated volume of the graves that Kola gave from his core sample findings:
These findings contradict Kurt Gerstein’s testimony. If you’ll recall HDoT mentioned Gerstein; “For example, in 1945, Kurt Gerstein, an SS officer who had visited both Treblinka and Belzec, wrote a detailed report about the gassings he witnessed at Belzec.”
This instance of Gerstein giving a report that did not correspond with reality is one example of many of why Gerstein’s testimony should be considered inadmissible as evidence:
What about the the number of bodies in the graves? While no exact number can be given Kola claims that it was possible that hundreds of thousands of people were murdered in Belzec. Whether it is possible is not the question. The question is what happened. We also have to consider Kola’s situation. He was employed by the Rada Ochrony Pamięci Walk i Męczeństwa (Council for safeguarding the remembrance of struggle and martyrdom) of Warsaw and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum of Washington, DC. He was working in Poland where it is illegal to deny the Holocaust. Certainty he know the consequences of giving a report that conflicted with the official narrative.
In reality there can be no certainty in Kola’s findings without exhuming the corpses in the graves which you’d be hard pressed to do now considering the site is covered in rocks. However, since Mattogno does not have the political restrictions he is able to draw reasonable conclusions:
Like Treblinka and Sobibor, the narrative of Belzec is composed of conflicting reports and inconclusive investigations. This just goes to show that orthodox Holocaust historians do not want the truth, instead their goal is to protect their version of history.
Remember, it’s illegal to deny the ‘Holocaust’ in Germany.
The German version of the Wikipedia page on Belzec has been edited numerous times, but a version I saw some time ago said, basically, that while it was an extermination camp and hundreds of thousand of Jews were murdered there, they cannot say exactly how many, nor can they say how they were murdered because there are too many conflicting stores about that.
Here’s text from the current version:
‘Später wurden Motorabgase eingeleitet; die Angaben über die Art des Motors sind widersprüchlich und nicht abschließend zu klären.’
So it says that in later stages the Germans used motor vehicle exhaust to murder Jews (!), but they cannot say what kind of motors were used because the stories about that vary — they are ‘widersprüchlich’ (conflicting).
So they cannot tell you with any certainty how many Jews were killed, and they cannot produce a single corpse or even a grave — they also cannot say exactly how the Jews were killed.
Yet you are legally required to believe that hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered at Belzec.
It’s ridiculous.
That’s very interesting, thanks for sharing.
The Reinhard camps have the weakest and most ridiculous narrative and that is why little attention is given to them by Holocaust promoters.