Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 In the Holocaust Denial on Trial (HDoT) article about physical traces of the alleged homicidal gas chamber buildings at the Operation Reinhard camps they only present ‘evidence’ of the alleged gas chambers in Treblinka. Belzec and Sobibor are ignored. You would think that if there is such great evidence…
Category: Belzec
Operation Reinhard Camp Survivors Part Two
Part 1 In part one I promised to address the lack of evidence of the remains of 1.7 million allegedly murdered Jews. But first, for the sake of completeness I must address the following section from Holocaust Denial on Trial’s (HDoT) article. HDoT once again drags out their strawman, “Holocaust denier Carlo Mattogno argues that…
Operation Reinhard Camp Survivors Part One
Part 2 Today I will blow away another strawman that Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDoT, has erected. HDoT states that just because there were survivors of the Operation Reinhard camps that doesn’t mean they aren’t extermination camps. Of course this is true, however, neither Carlo Mattogno, or any other revisionist, base their arguments against…
Wood For Cremation Part Three
Part 1, Part 2 For part three of the wood saga we will look at part two of Holocaust Denial on Trial’s (HDOT), attempt to explain where all the wood came from. First they reference a report about burning swine carcesses where they only needed 1.2 pounds of wood for every 2.2 pounds of carcass….
Wood For Cremation Part Two
Part 1, Part 3 In part one of this series I demonstrated how Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDoT, deceptively presented Dean Irebodd’s documentary in order to avoid refuting his claims. In part two I will cover Mattogno’s claims. HDoT bemoans that the difference of the results is so large that one or both must…
Wood for Cremation Part One
Part 2, Part 3 1.4 million Jews were allegedly murdered in the Operation Reinhard so-called death camps. It is claimed that the Germans burned these bodies on outdoor pyres to hide the evidence of their mass murder. Fuel would be needed for these cremations. Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDoT, debunks the claim that a…
How Did They Know? Part Four: Belzec
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 We now come to the last installment of examining Holocaust Denial on Trial’s (HDoT) reason the orthodox Holocaust historians know what happened in the alleged death camps of Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec. Thus far I am unconvinced that they actually knew what went on in Treblinka and Sobibor. Maybe Belzec…
How Did They Know? Part One
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDoT, attempts to answer the question of how do we know about the alleged death camps of Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor. This is a good question as all of these camps were destroyed by the Germans and little physical evidence remained. The opening paragraph…
Electric Death Panel
The official Holocaust narrative hasn’t always remained the same throughout the decades. One example of this lies in the pages of The Black Book of Polish Jewry, a book I became aware of thanks to Belzec—Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History, by Carlo Mattogno. Nowhere in the Wikipedia article for this book does it say…