(This article was originally posted on November 22, 2022. It has been updated with new information.) I have written about how French Holocaust revisionist, Robert Faurisson, got his debate opponent, Mikkel Andersson, to say that he sees no distinction between evidence and testimony. This was a huge admission that indicates that the Holocaust relies on…
Category: Revisionists
Sonderführer Thies Christophersen
In a previous article I mentioned how I had not heard of Sonderführer Thies Christophersen. To which I received the ‘you never heard of that guy?’ bit from my husband. After which I immediately corrected my ignorance. A recent comment responding to my article on Oskar Gröning prompted me to invoke the case of Christophersen….
Ursula Haverbeck
Ursula Haverbeck is a 94-year old German scholar and publisher who recently was sentenced to one year in prison for denying the Holocaust. There are reports that she will not have to serve her sentence due to her advanced age, but I have been unable to verify this. For her sake I hope it is…
Made in Russia
Yesterday I wrote about revisionist Carlos Whitlock Porter and mentioned his book, Made in Russia – The Holocaust. To explain what this book is about here is a snippet from a review: “Porter’s tactic is audacious and provocative: he gives Allied prosecutors and their witnesses the floor and lets them strut their stuff for a…
Carlos Whitlock Porter
Carlos Whitlock Porter is an American ex-patriate, skilled linguist and translator living in Belgium. According to his website he is a professional translator of German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese into English. Because of his work translating Russian documents from the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg he discovered the infamous ‘pedal-driven brain bashing machine’. From…
Thomas Dalton
From his own website: “Thomas Dalton is a professor of humanities at a major American university. He has published several books and articles on history and religion, with a special focus on the National Socialist era in Germany. He has also conducted extensive research on historical and contemporary Jewish relations.” Dalton has an impressive array…
Dean Irebodd
Not much is known about revisionist Dean Irebodd as he prefers to remain anonymous. He is known for his entertaining documentaries. I have watched all of them multiple times and have used many of Irebodd’s talking points on this website. Here are his documentries which are available to watch and download at Holocausthandbooks.com, One Third…
Robert Faurisson
Robert Faurisson was a French revisionist and a famous scholar. He studied French, Latin and Greek literature. He earned his doctorate and worked as a professor of French literature at the Sorbonne, and later at the University of Lyon. In 1960 he spent fourteen years at the Centre de documentation juive contemporaine in Paris, analyzing…
Germar Rudolf
Germar Rudolf was born in Limburg, Germany in 1964. He graduated with the highest honors in chemistry from the University of Bonn in 1989. After completing basic training with the German air force, Rudolf did his doctoral work at the Max Planck Institute [for Solid State Research] in Stuttgart. He was set to get his…
Carlo Mattogno
Today I’d like to bring attention to one of the men who has made this website possible, Carlo Mattogno. His leg work has enabled a regular person like me to understand and disseminate Holocaust revisionism. So who is this guy anyway? Mattongo is Italian, as you might have gleaned from the name. He is a…