I’m going to go out on a limb and make the assumption that most of my readers are not Holocaust believers. I am writing this article for you to read and then share with that special Holocaust believer in your life. One that is receptive, one that won’t rat you out to the wrongthink police and try to ruin your livelihood. Or you can share this to a random people on the internet if you wish.
There is one question that I would like to ask as many Holocaust believers as possible: “Why do you believe in the Holocaust?” Now it’s important to define what the Holocaust actually is. The Holocaust is the allegation that 6 million Jews were systematically murdered in Nazi Germany during WW2, mostly in homicidal gas chambers. Some fringe Holocaust fabulists will try to make the Holocaust about partisans being shot in the East, or they will create their own Holocaust narrative to account for all the problems in the official Holocaust narrative. The fringe Holocaust fabulists have no authority, so they do not matter.
I am going to anticipate some answers that Holocaust believers might have for my question.
Perhaps you believe because it is what you’ve been taught and you don’t see any reason to question it or you don’t really think about it.
It is all too obvious that a country that has won a war will present their version of events to make themselves look as good as possible and their enemies as bad as possible. Well, this should be obvious, anyway. When it comes to WW2 and the Holocaust, many people completely forget about the “winners write the history books” adage. The Allied forces, and their supporters, have many reasons to lie about events during WW2. Namely because they had some pretty heinous war crimes that need some districting from. And what better distraction than the most evil regime ever gassing poor, innocent Jews?
There are reasons to think about the Holocaust. It is not just an event that happened in the past that has no effect on us today. If you are a White person, the Holocaust narrative even affects you personally. Memeing the Nazis into the most evil people ever has created a bedrock for anti-Whiteness. Any time White people start to organize as White people, they are branded as evil White supremacist, KKK, neo-Nazis. Let’s fact it, “Nazi” is the “n-word” for White people. Except that no one will get into social trouble for saying Nazi or calling a White person a Nazi.
Then there is the 14 words, a slogan that is simply stating that White people need to secure their existence. The ADL has branded this slogan as being hateful and White supremist. Just to be clear, White people wanting to exist is not actually White supremacy. The ADL brands the slogan this way in order to demonize the idea. Because White supremacy is associated Nazism the notion is put into your head that even the idea of White people wanting their race to exist is evil. Anti-Whiteness therefore becomes justified because of the alleged actions of Nazis.
Now, perhaps you believe because you’ve seen just enough “evidence” from Holocaust fabulists to be convinced. Maybe you think the Nuremberg trials proved the Holocaust. I wouldn’t begrudge you of that, because Holocaust fabulists want you to think that. In reality, the court took judicial notice that all the reports of German atrocities were true. Therefore, the Nuremberg trial did nothing to prove the Holocaust, because the court accepted it as a fact before the trial even began.
Perhaps the documentaries with piles of dead bodies shocked you into believing. Thing is, according to the official Holocaust narrative, all the bodies of the victims of gassing were burned in crematory ovens, pits or pyres. Presenting piles of dead bodies does not prove the claims of homicidal gas chambers as, according to the official story, the Nazis would have been burned the bodies before the camps were liberated. Where did those bodies come from? First, there was a real problem with typhus at the camps. In fact, Zyklon B and cremation were used to save lives by curbing the spread of disease. Holocaust fabulists took these life saving procedures and twisted them into something sinister. Also, many died of starvation during the final months of the war thanks to supply bombings and food blockades by the Allies.
If there is another piece of evidence that you find convincing, I encourage you to do some research by looking it up on this site, or on CoDoH if I have not covered it. Yes, these two sources are biased, but Holocaust narrative-promoting resources are also biased; they’re just biased with the iron fist of the state behind them. It is better to have two sides of the story rather than just the one from the people in power who won the war.
Perhaps you believe, or say that you believe, because it is important to your political interests. If that’s the case, I would not be able to change your mind, and I wouldn’t even try to, because you are an enemy of mine.
If you are an honest Holocaust believer reading this article, I encourage you to answer my question about why you believe in the comments below, or you can even email furher@holocaust.claims. I am open to all good-faith discussions on this most controversial of topics.
I will leave you with this to ponder:
The things that made me believe the Holocaust as a child were the famous footage of the British bulldozers pushing around piles of typhus victims at Belsen, the pictures of bodies in train cars at Dachau that were actually either strafed by allied planes or posed depending on who you ask, pictures and footage of RAF bombing victims at Nordhausen, the footage of the Parchment display at Buchenwald, etc. Classics such as “the brausbad, the showerbath,” or the footage of a showeroom at Maijdanek astonishingly angled to avoid large glass windows in Night and Fog..
Fortunately for them they memory holed the unbelievably goofy footage of the Gestapo torture/gas chamber in Paris or even my naive childish credulity would have cracked, but even in some crazy version of the universe where the Holocaust actually happened, any formation of belief in a hypothetically real Holocaust based on any of these grounds would be fundamentally invalid on epistemological grounds, and even the presentation of the hypothetically real Holocaust in this way would constitute nothing more than a veritable constellation of micro and macro hoaxes even if gas chambers were real and millions actually died.
>“Why do you believe in the Holocaust?”
I prefer a variant of this:
First, I remind them what a modern, adversarial court proceeding is — a criminal court, where the state acts as prosecutor, and a defendant has the right to cross-examine witnesses and otherwise try to impeach evidence offered by the state — then a jury must decide whether the state has shown the defendant to be guilty to the ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ standard.
After that I define the ‘Holocaust’ as two related crimes, which is how it would be prosecuted: 1) a conspiracy to commit mass murder, and 2) the attempted extermination of Jews, especially via gas chambers located in ‘death camps’, in some cases explicitly built for that purpose.
I tell them there is a historical record, and anyone interested can examine the evidence for these crimes that has been put forth since the end of the war, especially in the trials conducted in post-war Germany and elsewhere (e.g. Eichmann in Israel).
Then I state quite plainly: In my opinion, the evidence for the ‘Holocaust’ is not sufficient to convict anyone for that crime in a fair, adversarial court proceeding, to the ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ standard — I emphasize this is a rational conclusion, not a belief (i.e. I don’t believe this because I’m a ‘neo-Nazi’).
I believed it at first because my schools would play documentaries showing all the images of corpses and gas chambers. I didn’t have any reason to doubt what my teachers taught. Luckily for me, someone close to me showed me how the evidence for the Holocaust is flimsy at best and it snowballed from there.
I used to believe – as most others – that the Holocaust was true simply because it was what was taught. After all, who denied the holocaust? All the adults and all the people my age said so, I never heard anyone else say anything different. Theoretically it could’ve been a lie, however it was like saying that World War I never happened: so absurd that it wasn’t really worth investigating.
Of course later things changed and the internet modified everything in this regard.
Hi! I’m a big believer in our cause and your work. I recently got drunk with my family around a campfire and my brother made an offhand remark about how he was concerned the government would take his guns away, just like the Nazis.
I spoke up to say the Nazis didn’t actually do that and my dad joined the conversation, asking if I was denying the Holocaust. I said yes, none of it adds up, and before I could sloppily break out my calculator, reference Zyklon B as a pesticide, go over Allied supply-line bombing tactics, or the absurdity of gas chamber executions in a total war scenario – he ran me over, saying he grew up with the guys who were there! They seen it, they were at the camps, you know nothing little scamp! I immediately thought of the Army psy-op with the shrunken heads, but I determined his personal anecdotal evidence of knowing guys “that were there” probably meant he was completely closed off to anything but the Narrative. So I just called him a boomer and switched topics.
Is there something I could hit him over the head with if this ever comes up again to completely defeat this Narrative reinforcing “you weren’t there, I knew guys that were!” idea that my Tucker Carlson, Ron DeSantis enjoying dad has? I think maybe I should’ve just asked him what he meant – what did those guys see, dad? Is that what they said happened, that they saw six million dead Jews with steaming gassy corpses at Auschwitz? But the moment had passed and I said all I could drunkenly think, “ok boomer”.
Yes, I do have articles for that!
Basically all the alleged death camps were in Poland, so Americans wouldn’t have liberated any of them.
You were right to question what they saw. Was it dead bodies? Well the claim is all the gassing victims were cremated. Those dead bodies were caused by disease and starvation. A lot of which was caused by Allied bombing campaigns.
Another thing that might get him to start questioning is the way in which the alleged gas chambers worked in Auschwitz. It’s just so goofy. There is an explanation of in this article:
Good luck with your dad!
I’ve come up against this a couple times. First ask if the “people that were there” were Russian, when they say no ask if they fought for the Red Army. When they say no again ask him why he says they were there, when he says they fought for the Americans reiterate a brief summary about the end of the war with the two armies invading Germany from both sides and East Germany and Poland becoming Soviet satellites after the war. Make an allusion to the Berlin wall if you need to. Ask him if the Soviets were so lax as to let American troops go gallivanting around behind their defense lines in a state of tension before it was decided if the Soviets would keep pressing further west or stop where they were. and he’ll have to say no.
When he starts sputtering about what they saw tell him that these haven’t even a major part of holocaust narrative for over 50 years because everyone admits these conditions were brought about by allied terror bombing and hunger blockade,
Say something like “this isn’t even part of the debate, holocaust historians aren’t stupid enough to bring this up anymore because they know better. You’re so far from anything that’s actually claimed by official holocaust historians that’s it’s not even funny. This element of the narrative was mostly featured in American propaganda films and the propagandistic tours of the various camps to fuel troop morale against the Nazis by showing them what they themselves had actually caused, and it was abandoned in the lore a long time ago. And although holocaust historians don’t promote this lie anymore, they don’t try to clarify the matter either because it’s important for most people to have this misconception about the Western camps to believe the rest of the story that they actually do promote about the eastern camps. If this is what your belief hinges on, you’re just plain wrong.
No American troop came within a thousand miles of where the Holocaust is said to have actually happened, and there’s practically no corresponding gruesome imagery or physical remains of what is alleged to have occurred in these camps either. All of the bodies in the east were amazingly destroyed without a trace of physical evidence, it’s just too bad the Nazis didn’t have such amazing body disposal technology in Germany proper.
This is why a real holocaust debate with someone who actually knows what they are talking about comes down to hermeneutics applied to a few questionable cherry-picked documents, a few snippets of public speeches and diary entries taken out of context and mistranslated, small segments of survivor testimony that sound somewhat plausible that are usually sandwiched between completely absurd and impossible claims in the full account that are carefully curated in major historical works to only include the plausible segment, and confessions extracted under torture that are often equally exaggerated. It’s not some inane bullshit about what so and so who was “actually there” (but not really) saw.”
Also the Weimar republic, a government installed by a conquering army, had very strict gun laws. German citizens didn’t have all of these guns imagined by retarded conservatives for the Nazis to take in a demoncrap-style gungrab against a population with American-levels of gun ownership because most of them were probably taken after WW1 by Americans to begin with. The Nazis actually relaxed the Weimar-era gun laws.
“They seen it, they were at the camps” Always ask them what saw and to describe the detail! They always end up shooting themselves in the foot!