We have arrived at the last part of Adam Klein’s article. This section is called ‘Eisenhower’s intuition’ and it is prefaced with the following image of Eisenhower in the recently liberated Ohrdruf concentration camp. Remember that this article is called, How to fight Holocaust denial in social media – with the evidence of what really happened. So far Klein has done a poor job of presenting photographs that illustrate what the Holocaust officials claim. If you’ll recall in part one I pointed out how Klein presented a photograph of dead bodies that the Allies, not the Germans, were responsible for. He also presented a picture of non-starving, not gassed children being liberated from Auschwitz. This picture also doesn’t show gassing or genocide victims as Ohrdruf isn’t claimed to be a death camp, and there are no claims that it had gas chambers. What this picture shows is the causality of war and the consequences of the Allies total warfare tactic of bombing food and medical supply lines.
I’m actually quite pleased that Klein brought up Eisenhower and Ohrdruf because I was reminded of Dean Irebodd’s documentary, Buchenwald—A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil, episodes 12 and 13 (links download video). I highly recommend watching if you haven’t already. To summarize, Ohrdruf was the first camp the US Army came across. Around 100 bodies were found and it is reasonable to guess that only about 1/5 of those were Jewish. Eisenhower knew that the Allied bombings were the main reason that these people were starving and dying of typhus. He had also seen much worse during wartime yet he made a show of pretending to be shocked and disgusted. The big to-to made about this camp shows Eisenhower’s true motivation to use the conditions of the camps for anti-German propaganda and to shape the Holocaust narrative.
Back to Klein’s article. Here we have yet another appeal to witness testimony. If you’ll notice the quote from Eisenhower he says that the people in the camps were killed by starvation, not gas chambers. This is because all the alleged death camps were located in Poland where the Soviets would do the liberating. So Eisenhower could not be a witness to homicidal gas chambers.
Like the former Jewish inmates of the camps, Eisenhower also had motivation to lie about the Germans. Popularity for the war would equal popularity for Eisenhower, who had grand ambitions. Both Eisenhower and the Allies needed a justification for an unjustifiable war. What better way to do this than to paint Hitler and Nazi Germany as the biggest evil to ever exist? Eisenhower was willing to shape and promote the lie in order to further his career.
Next, Klein says that banning Holocaust denial isn’t enough to stop antisemitism. What is needed is the emotional manipulation of shoving heart-wrenching witness testimony down their throats. Whenever there are well founded arguments against the Holocaust narrative Klein wants to be there, countering denial with ‘facts’. Facts for him being witness testimony. Not the witness testimony that directly refutes the official narrative, though. That must be ignored or discredited. The only witness testimony that you must listen to and believe is that which affirms the Holocaust narrative. And if the same person you were listening to and believing said something that was impossible or contradictory just ignore that.
Here at the end of the article Klein shares a link to the testimony of his grandmother. Klein, it doesn’t matter what your grandmother says. Her testimony doesn’t make the impossibilities of the Holocaust narrative any truer. Klein’s statement that “Holocaust deniers have long waited for the time when there were no remaining survivors or witnesses to keep these histories alive” is a strawman. Unlike orthodox Holocaust historians, revisionists do no rely on witness testimony to argue our case. It doesn’t matter if there are 6 million or zero survivors still living. The actual evidence speaks for itself and doesn’t need testimony to protect it.
In the end Klein’s article is just a drawn out plea for promoting Holocaust witness testimony. What I find amusing is that the very website Klein’s article is hosted on has an article pointing out the unreliability of witness testimony, and when it comes to unreliable witness testimony the Holocaust is king. Klein’s article may look calm and collected on the surface, but underneath the mask it is seething at the fact that Holocaust revisionism is on the rise.