Today’s technology enables Holocaust revisionists to spread the truth; however, it also enables Holocaust fabulists to come up with ever more dystopic ways to indoctrinate children. From the Jewish Chronicle:
What’s next, beaming the Holocaust propaganda directly into the children’s brains?
The United Kingdom has a history of doing everything that Jews want. Signing the Balfour Declaration in 1917, declaring war on Germany in 1939 and then going along with the Holocaust narrative after the war (although that benefitted the British government, as well—read how here). In return, British tax payers get the honor of funding the brainwashing of their children. From Jewish News:
“Testimony 360,” the name of the program, was developed by the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET). HET receives funding from the Welsh and Scottish governments and the English and North Irish Department of Education. I wonder if there would be better uses for the Department of Education’s fund besides ultra-immersive social conditioning programs that cost over a million dollars just to develop…

All in all, the HET receives a little over 2 million pounds in government grants each year. HET isn’t the only Holocaust organization. There are too many to list, but if you want an idea you can view the search results from the Charity Commission for England and Wales for “Holocaust” and check out some of the 52 organizations that receive government funding. You should also ask yourself why there aren’t any charities just for ethnic British people, but there are 2,802 matches when you search “Jew” on the commission’s website.

You may also want to ponder why when I asked, “Why are there over 2000 charities for Jews in Britain but none for the ethnic British?” that the Holocaust was given as a reason. Especially for a country that lost 6% of its male adult population fighting for the Jews in WW2. It couldn’t be that the Holocaust is some kind of bludgeon that Jews use to get their way, could it?

Now, let’s get into the Holocaust propaganda distribution technology. The course is available to students who are 13 to 18 years of age. This age range wasn’t pulled out of a hat. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum (see image below) the reason they teach the Holocaust to older students is because they are more able to empathize with eyewitness accounts. Meaning that the emotional manipulation Holocaust fabulists employ is more effective on students over 13 years of age.
Seeing is believing. Holocaust fabulists continually pump out shows, movies, and documentaries enforcing the official Holocaust narrative because it is effective propaganda. Virtual reality takes it a step further. To get people to believe something that never happened, Holocaust fabulists use media to make it as real as possible. In my online discussions with average Holocaust believers, I often get the attitude that it’s just plain crazy to question the Holocaust. The believers cannot reconcile that something that has been thoroughly steeped in our culture isn’t real.
Still, with all their institutional power, funding, and and dissemination of propaganda, belief in the the official Holocaust narrative is unraveling—especially for the younger generations. A house of cards cannot stand forever. Holocaust revisionists may be attacking the Amazon Rainforest with leaf blowers, but it is making a difference.