One point that Holocaust affirmers like to bring up is: ‘What about all the missing people?’
Although the real question should be, where are the remains of 6 million people. This is because the burden of proof lies on the person making the accusation of 6 million murders.
Let’s explore the missing people question further. Yad Vashem hosts a database with names of alleged victims. At their own admission there are duplicates in the database. Despite this they estimate the the number of individual victims listed to 4.8 million.
The question then is, where did the names come from? Yad Vashem answers that in their FAQ section:
Pages of testimony, mentioned in the paragraph above, is self reporting and that is not the most reliable source of information. Many of the victims listed in the database are only presumed dead. This is illustrated in the article Accidental Family Reunion at Yad Vashem, by Hadding Scott. In the story below we have an instance where two families presumed that the other had died in the Holocaust when in fact none of them had. This case alone counts for 9 living Jews in the database of victims. How many stories like this exist? Just a quick search yielded many results. You see such articles here, here, here, here, here and here. In theses stories they always say they assumed their loved one were dead. How many more people would have been reunited had the false narrative of the Holocaust not had them believing the worst?
Below Yad Vashem says that the Nazis did not keep lists of all the alleged victims. Most significantly the the alleged millions that were ‘pulled off train and into the gas chambers’. So what are the ‘list of victims’ referred to in the historical documentation? And when it comes to the deportation lists are they just taking names from these sources and declaring them dead?
Carlo Mattogno answers that question in his article on the Yad Vashem Database:
Mattogno preformed a small survey of the database using list of certified survivors of a transport from Prague to the Lodz ghetto on 16 October, 1941. Not only did he find entries for the survivors in the database he also found duplicates and even a case of two entries with alternative spelling for the same name. See Mattogno’s article for the complete results.
Another article searched for famous Holocaust survivors and found many of their names in the database.
Lastly Yad Vashem also lists ‘local commemoration projects’ as a source of names. This point is really a non-answer. All they are telling you is that there is a project that collects names. No real information is given.
So if millions of Jews didn’t die where did they go? Many were displaced refugees. Some of them emigrated to various countries throughout the world. Many went to Israel legally and illegally. The following images are examples of what happened to Jews after the war.
Steven Spielberg traveled to 65 countries in order to interview Holocaust survivors.
This is a graph of the population of Palestine/Israel over provided by the Jewish Virtual Library. Notice the growth after the war and especially after the formation of Israel in 1948.
This article from My Jewish Learning has more examples of where Jews went after the war:
Once again, the question ‘what about the missing people’ misplaces the burden of proof, which belongs to the person or persons making the accusation. The Holocaust is no exception of this. The real question should be, where are the remains of the millions that allegedly died? Despite the fact that Nazis are painted to be evil supervillains they can not defy the laws of physics. Even a cremated body leaves behind evidence. But orthodox Holocaust historians do not want you to ask where are the bodies because their answers for that are just not convincing when put under the microscope.
If there was an honest attempt to take a census of all jews and excavate all the graves at the concentration camps and check government records in the US, Germany, Russia, isreal and elsewhere I believe that the record of what happened to European jewry could be established to a high degree of certainty.
We’re not going to see that though…. Because it would firmly establish that the German concentration camps were just camps and most of the deaths there were caused by the allies. And the German camps were on the whole a lot more humane than those of the allies before, during and after the war.
But jews really don’t want those facts revealed.
I agree. They already have numbers of people that emigrated to other countries. Might be interesting to add those all up and see what it is.
There has also been floating around on Gab photos of newspaper clippings from 1938-1942 or so with headlines like “100,000 jews evacuated to Soviet Union” (ahead of the advancing Germans) from various different countries and the total was something on the order of 1.9 million iirc.
here’s link from Archive.IS btw:
Very interesting, thanks for posting.
The original owner of this site (Black Rabbit) quit Holocaust denial
That’s too bad.
To the first question “where are the bodies” seems more rhetorical if anything. You’re aware the bodies were cremated, some buried in mass graves. Others, like shooting victims or starvation victims were probably given a proper burial elsewhere. So there’s your answer. I can’t tell you where the remains are, because all the ashes really weren’t really put in a nice little urn for us to look at.
Here’s a video from Muehlenkamp over at HolocaustControversies finding bone fragments at Sobibor:
And a Polish investigation talking about human remains at Treblinka:
And more HolocaustControversies stuff that will suffice to read:
Obviously, there’s human remains all over the place. They aren’t dug up due to Jewish burial law. Which you probably will say was made up so people don’t dig it up and “find no evidence of Holocaust”
Literature discussing the matter: Bava Batra 154a:11, Yevamot 63b:11, Yoreh Dea 363
One might make the objection that “this only applies to Jewish cemetaries”, which it doesn’t necessarily. The Jews buried in mass graves are probably unidentifiable by now, they have decomposed and all that is left is a humble pile of bones. They are also presumably with other Jews, so there is no issue with their current burial. There is no way to identify them, therefore it becomes clear that it would definitely go against Jewish law to try and retrieve them, especially as it’s an impossible task.
I don’t really have to answer to anything else, but for the NYT article, using this is just speculation. “Sees influx of 3M Jews” is quite vague, and the article is behind a paywall. Also, “seeing influx” means that the army sees a possibility that maximum 3 million Jews could enter, in reality it could’ve been way less, and it probably was judging by census data.
1. I know you have made various comments under various names. Your IP address gives you away.
2. Where are the bodies is not rhetorical. It is something the accusers must answer for. And you can’t say they were all burned unless you have evidence of that. It also helps to not have logistical impossibilities.
3. There isn’t sufficient physical evidence of the remains of 6 million people.
4. I’m not going to those links. If you have a point say it, don’t link dump.
5. Jewish burial law isn’t a valid excuse for not investigating a crime scene.
6. Of course where did they go can be speculation, what of it? Where the remains went is speculation as they don’t have evidence to back up their claims.
7. Interesting how you’re not defending the Yad Vashem database.