When it comes to overcoming the conditioning that Holocaust fabulist authorities have subjected the population to, pointing out the facts sometimes isn’t enough. Getting a person to even entertain the possibility that the Holocaust narrative is false might include helping them overcome psychological barriers. A person that has enjoyed the comfort of trusting authority (whoever they deem that to be) their whole life is going to have a difficult time coming to terms that their authority has been deceiving them. Another problem is that many people’s first reaction to Holocaust revisionism is that it’s just a kooky conspiracy theory, not unlike the fake moon landings or flat earth.
I am not a psychologist or anything close. As I have mentioned before (see image below) I am a middle-aged housewife that has never attended college. So I can only give my personal opinion.
What I would do to help a friend or family member overcome psychological barriers is to not only tell them the logical reasons I stopped believing in the Holocaust, but also the emotional side of breaking through Holocaust indoctrination. I will share that now for anyone interested. If anyone would like to share their story please feel free to do so in the comments.
Interestingly enough, I was visiting the childhood friend that I talked about in this article. We we all hanging out watching Guardians of the Galaxy. I don’t know if it was the normalcy of the situation or what, but out of nowhere, the fact that the Holocaust was fake and I had been lied to my entire life washed over me like a great wave. I had known that the Holocaust was fake before that point, but it had never really fully set in until that moment. The feeling quickly passed and everything was the same as it had been before. It wasn’t the end of the world. Because here’s the thing, knowing the truth about what happened during WW2 doesn’t change anything externally, as the Holocaust has been fake the whole time. The only thing that changes is yourself.
You may ask what’s the point of knowing then if it changes nothing in the outside world? On this point I must clarify that one person knowing changes little, collectively; however, it makes a great difference. If it didn’t, Holocaust fabulists would not go out of their way to spread and safeguard their lies. Much power is leveraged from using the myth of the Holocaust to turn sympathy and guilt into a shield from criticism. This point is illustrated in the headline below. Israeli Jews invoke the Holocaust to drum up sympathy in order to justify mass violence against Palestinians. In order for this trick to work they need people to believe.
On a personal level, knowing about the Holocaust has helped me to better make friend/enemy distinctions and to understand the world around me. My enemies can no longer use the collective guilt of their fabricated Holocaust to dissuade me from taking my own side as a White person. I learned have a healthy amount of skepticism for information being presented to me, whether I agree with it or not. Of course everyone will have their own story of how knowing the truth about the Holocaust changed their lives. I think sharing your story with your friends and family will help them with the emotional side of accepting Holocaust revisionism.
Another hurdle in the open discourse of the legitimacy of the Holocaust story is the negative associations that Holocaust revisionism has with fringe conspiracy theories. Holocaust fabulists have convinced many people that denying the Holocaust is low class and stupid. In order to overcome this barrier, I will refer you to my Apples and Oranges article which describes how Holocaust revisionism is not comparable to flat earth or fake moon landing claims.
If someone accuses you of being disrespectful to millions of dead Jews for questioning the Holocaust, just point out that it is disrespectful to millions of innocent Germans to be falsely accused of murder. The claims of the Holocaust were never proven in a court of law (see image below) and the Nazis were never given a chance to properly defend themselves. Now the Allied side of the story is the only thing that ever gets taught in school or shown in media. Even after more than 80 years after the fact, the German people have had this false crime looming over their head, causing guilt and shame. So I ask who has really been disrespected here?
In the end patience and understanding are key. Remember how you were once a Holocaust believer and keep in mind that overcoming intense social conditioning more difficult for some people. Remind your loved one that questioning the Holocaust isn’t about hating Jews, rather a desire for the truth. And if you feel like you haven’t succeeded, give it time, allow the seed you planted to grow. There’s only so much you can do to get someone to change their mind because that is something that ultimately must come from within.
One anecdote that might make an impression on people concerns Rudolf Höss and his affidavit.
So-called eyewitness testimony is very important to the extermination story (is there any other kind of evidence?), and no testimony is more important than that of Höss as given in his affidavit, where he describes how in agreement with Himmler he started killing Jews at Auschwitz (by his estimate 2.5m, more than 2x the total claimed today) — his affidavit was submitted as evidence at the IMT, yet the prosecution never called him to the witness stand — why would the prosecution not take advantage of the opportunity to have such a star witness testify? — tell people about that, and ask them if they don’t find that a little peculiar — what do they think the reason might be?
Höss ultimately did take the stand, but only because he was called to testify by a lawyer for one of the defendants (Kaltenbrunner I believe).
Not to mention all the torture.
I first looked into “holocaust denial” because shamefully I was considering converting to Judaism, and wanted to see what all this allegedly anti-Semitic hatred was I’d be dealing with if I became Jewish. So I went looking into it expecting to see absurd lies.
Except as an engineer in the construction industry when I saw the official narrative explained and seeing the absurd lack of logistics and unscientific ways things worked, I saw the emperor had no clothes. I realised I was dealing with a deranged group of people that our society has propped up and wanted to part of it.
That’s an interesting story, thanks for sharing! I’m glad you saw the light.
Now, the real question is… how do we make it real? 😀
My child hood was watching WW2 documentaries and playing with model trains and learning anything I could about engineering, I have a very distinct memory of being seven or eight and seeing something about the gas chambers for the first time and wondering how that would work as well as wondering how do we know who those emaciated corpses are (childish, but questioning) there was a war on, they could be anyone. I should say I believed in it all, but I spent my childhood and teenage years somewhere between suspicious and unsatisfied. In my late teens I was watching question time and a thing about free speech came up and Vince Cable prattled on about how important it is, and must be defended ect… Then with no prompting came out with “but holocaust denial should be made illegal” this left an impression on me. About a year later I just decided to to look it up on youtube (back when you could) and the rest was history.
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing! You thought about the subject more than I did when I learned about it in middle school. I just accepted what they said and didn’t question it at all. That has changed somewhat, lol.
>(back when you could)
Yes, before about 2019 or so there was a lot of revisionist material on YouTube — today you can find most of what used to be on YouTube on altcensored.com.
Its a shame that no mater how much I show, its just ignored.
People have been conditioned to think denying the Holocaust is evil. It’s a difficult hurdle for some to overcome.