Michael Peinovich has graciously given me permission to use the research he used from the opening of a recent Holocaust debate that he participated in. Today also marks a change in using the term Holocaust fabulists instead of Holocaust affirmers, an apt term coined by Joseph Jordan (a.k.a., Eric Striker).
Holocaust fabulists will often tout entries from diaries, excerpts from speeches, and so on to bolster their claims that Germans committed genocide against European Jews. The fabulists must resort to this as there is a noticeable lack of physical evidence. An excerpt from a speech known as “Hitler’s prophecy” is a favorite out-of-context quote that fabulists like to invoke. Wikipedia describes the prophecy thusly:
I have previously written about this topic here and here. To summarize, Hitler is talking about the end of Jewish political power in Europe. However, I did not bring up the prophecy to rehash what its true meaning is, but rather to use it as a reference point.
Oftentimes meanings get lost in translation, sometimes unintentionally, sometimes not. The latter is certainly the case with Hitler’s prophecy. This factor will not be a problem with the quotes of the Allies that I am going to provide, as they were made in English by the Western Allies, therefore there can be no funny business with translation.
Before we get into that, I would like to quote Peinovich’s statement regarding these Allied quotes:
“Speaking of the Allies, let’s ask the question: what would documents, quotations, and diary entries from top government and military officials that were actually engaged in a conspiracy to commit mass killings of civilians look like? As it turns out, we don’t have to look far. We can simply look at the record from the Allied side. They openly discussed plans to murder mass numbers of civilians, discussed carrying out the murders, and issued documents assessing the effectiveness of the murders after the fact. The evidence here is so voluminous that I could not possibly include it all, so I will select only a few items. However, unlike my [debate] opponent, my selections will be exemplary of the vast body of evidence and will require no deliberately malicious or mendacious interpretation. Nor are these documents, quotations, or mass killings disputed by any historians, or anyone at all.”
On July 8, 1940, Winston Churchill wrote a letter to Lord Beaverbrook, the Minister of Aircraft Production. In it he said the following:
“When I look round to see how we can win the war, I see that there is only one sure path. We have no continental ally which can defeat the German military power…. Should [Hitler] be repulsed here or not try invasion, he will recoil eastward, and we have nothing to stop him. But there is one thing that will bring him back and bring him down, and that is an absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland.”
An “exterminating attack,” you say? Was Churchill planning to commit genocide against all ethnically German people? About this quote Peinovich said:
“Based on arguments my opponent will make [in the debate] concerning certain phrases in Goebbels’
diary, he must also assert that there was definitely a plan to kill literally all the Germans by Winston Churchill in July of 1940. If he does not assert this, it will be interesting to hear his explanation as to why not. Perhaps because there is no evidence of such a program? Maybe because one statement does not prove the existence of such a program? Maybe even because no matter what Churchill said in one letter, the actual plan was to kill civilians to force a surrender, not to kill literally every single German? Perhaps he will even go so far as to state that we need only look at other statements by Churchill to demonstrate this? Those would be interesting arguments indeed!”
Let’s compare and contrast what Churchill said with a directive from Hermann Göring, one of the most powerful figures in the Nazi Party, to the Luftwaffe on June 30, 1940:
“The war against England is to be restricted to destructive attacks against industry and air force targets which have weak defensive forces. … The most thorough study of the target concerned, that is vital points of the target, is a pre-requisite for success. It is also stressed that every effort should be made to avoid unnecessary loss of life amongst the civilian population”
Huh. That’s not the kind of thing the average person with a Hollywood-fed perception of Nazis would expect a Nazi to say. It’s almost like those kind of Nazi statements are purposely kept away from the average person.
On March 30, 1942 the British Cabinet sent a memorandum to Winston Churchill, which he approved, that has since become known as the “dehousing paper.” The following is that memo as reproduced by Wikipedia:
“The following seems a simple method of estimating what we could do by bombing Germany.
Careful analysis of the effects of raids on Birmingham, Hull and elsewhere have shown that, on the average, one ton of bombs dropped on a built-up area demolishes 20–40 dwellings and turns 100–200 people out of house and home.
We know from our experience that we can count on nearly fourteen operational sorties per bomber produced. The average lift of the bombers we are going to produce over the next fifteen months will be about 3 tons. It follows that each of these bombers will in its life-time drop about 40 tons of bombs. If these are dropped on built-up areas they will make 4000–8000 people homeless.
In 1938 over 22 million Germans lived in fifty-eight towns of over 100,000 inhabitants, which, with modern equipment, should be easy to find and hit. Our forecast output of heavy bombers (including Wellingtons) between now and the middle of 1943 is about 10,000. If even half the total load of 10,000 bombers were dropped on the built-up areas of these fifty-eight German towns the great majority of their inhabitants (about one-third of the German population) would be turned out of house and home.
Investigation seems to show that having one’s home demolished is most damaging to morale. People seem to mind it more than having their friends or even relatives killed. At Hull signs of strain were evident, though only one-tenth of the houses were demolished. On the above figures we should be able to do ten times as much harm to each of the fifty-eight principal German towns. There seems little doubt that this would break the spirit of the people.
Our calculation assumes, of course, that we really get one-half of our bombs into built-up areas. On the other hand, no account is taken of the large promised American production (6,000 heavy bombers in the period in question). Nor has regard been paid to the inevitable damage to factories, communications, etc, in these towns and the damage by fire, probably accentuated by breakdown of public services.[2][3]” (My emphasis added.)
Yes, you read that right: the British plotted to make one third of German civilians homeless. I was unable to find any criticism of this policy. But if it were the Nazis who plotted to employ this tactic we’d never hear the end of it. It would be in all the YouTube top 10 lists of bad things evil people do.
The following picture was provided by Wikipedia. Its caption reads, Typical bomb damage in the Eilbek district of Hamburg, 1944 or 1945:
I have said myself that we cannot judge these actions inside a vacuum. We must consider that a war was going on. However, to only condemn the actions of the losing side of the war is dishonest and unjust—especially when the thing they are being condemned for is a great big lie!
Don’t go thinking the Americans were any better. Continue to part two where I present the American treatment of Germans during WW2.