Michael Peinovich recently debated History Speaks (HS) on the topic of the Holocaust, with Peinovich representing the revisionist side. You can find the video here. I will only be addressing one aspect of the debate in this article. If you would like more in-depth discussion, check out this CoDoH forum thread.
Throughout the debate HS kept demanding that Peinovich provide positive evidence affirming that the Holocaust is a “hoax,” to which Peinovich replied that the fact that lies about Nazi Germany are being spread is proof of the hoax. Peinovich also cited the Katyn massacre as an example of a known instance where the USSR framed the Germans for something they had done. HS refused to accept Peinovich’s response although it is perfectly adequate. In fact, asking to prove that the Holocaust story is a concerted hoax is not a legitimate demand. Let’s explore why.
As I have mentioned this many times before, the burden of proof lies on the person making the accusation. In the case of the Holocaust, it is the Allied governments and Jewish people accusing the Germans of mass murder. This accusation has never actually been proven. The Germans never received a fair trial to present a case and defend themselves against these accusations. The first and most famous trial against the Germans, the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg (IMT), took judicial notice of the alleged crimes leveled against the Germans (see image below). Subsequent trials, such as the Adolf Eichmann trial, took precedents from the IMT.
You may be thinking that the official governmental documents and reports of the United Nations were investigated, put under scrutiny, and verified. First, if these things were done, they did not do it in front of the public eye. In a just and fair trial, the evidence against the Germans would have needed to be presented in a legitimate court of law, not a trial ran by the accusers, as was done in the IMT. The proceedings and judgements should have been made by a neutral party and not by the war victors that had previously been enemies with the Germans.
I have written several articles on how the alleged crimes scenes were never properly investigated, such as the lack of proper investigations at the Aktion Reinhard camps and Babi Yar. I have also brought up the lack of mass graves. There is also the fact that the Holocaust affirmers cannot account for the 5 million (or perhaps more) pounds of ashes that would have resulted from the cremation of the one million people that were said to have been gassed and then burned in Auschwitz-Birkenau. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to problems with the official Holocaust narrative.
Since the Holocaust is only an established fact because the authorities say so, it is unreasonable to ask to prove that the it is a deliberate hoax when the accusation of systematic genocide itself has never been proven in the first place. I am reminded of something Robert Faurisson wrote in 2008:
“Today there is no longer a single ‘historian’ of ‘the Holocaust’ who makes it his business to prove the reality of ‘the Holocaust’ and its magical gas chambers. All of them do like Saul Friedländer in his latest book (L’Allemagne nazie et les juifs / Les années d’extermination, Seuil, 2008): they leave it as understood that it all existed. With them history becomes axiomatic, although their axioms aren’t even drawn up. These new historians proceed with such self-assurance that the reader, taken aback, doesn’t realise the trick being played on him: the smooth talkers go on endlessly about an event whose reality they haven’t established in the first place. And so it is that the customer, believing that he’s bought some goods, has actually bought the smooth talk of the one giving him the sales pitch.” (quote source)
That said, the narrative of the Holocaust is the conspiracy theory, not the questioning and fact checking done by revisionists. This misplacing of the burden of proof is an essential building block of the Holocaust narrative. It allows for Holocaust affirmers to demand an answer to where are the missing people instead of addressing the issue of the lack the remains for the 6 million alleged victims. It allows the affirmers to say that mass graves exist and they just haven’t been found yet.
There are even more reasons why trying to prove the Holocaust is a hoax is not a legitimate question, too many to list in a short article. The image below is a post from a CoDoH thread created by HS himself. It contains many more arguments against the idea that revisionists need to prove the Holocaust is a hoax.
As a seeker of truth, one should not let the Holocaust establishment get away with this misplaced burden of proof. We should demand that the officials prove the Holocaust happened the way they say it did and to address all the valid criticisms that have been brought up against the Holocaust narrative.
Mike did a great job debating. I didn’t see a comment box for the retelling of night but weasel must of found the fountain of youth shortly after the war. He looks 10 years younger.
knowing who framed you is great and is really nice to have. We do have that. We have plenty of evidence of the hoax, like the oss table of horrors or just the lies of Elie Wiesel being exposed and the only change is now his book is fiction.
theres mountains of evidence of the hoax.
But none of that is neccesary to prove German innocence.