Wouldn’t you know it, Israel is committing one of the most evil bombing campaigns in history and are using the Holocaust to justify it. Join me as we take a look at some Jewish tricks using articles written by Jews, or from Jewish news outlets, starting with the op-ed below:
First let’s deal with these so-called anti-Zionist Jews. When they seemingly protest on behalf of Palestine, their slogan of choice is always “ceasefire now.” This implies that both sides are at fault, but mainly Hamas since they started it according to Israel. What a ceasefire does not address is is the decades of abuse and land nabbing that Israel has subjected the Palestinian people to. They do not support Hamas defending and fighting for the Palestinian people, rather they support the Palestinians being victims. They just want Israel to be a safe place so Jews can go back the their occupied land in peace. Never will they chant “from the river to the sea…” because they have no intentions of demanding the dissolution of Israel.
Next, we have an article from Forward that was written before Hamas’s military operation on October 7th:
This article is meant to appeal to liberal-minded types. The goyish author, Ankur Dang, talks about how her dissertation on blood diamonds funding the Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Like many of her friends, she was an anti-Zionist, then she “gained perspective”:
I understand their disbelief and anger. I used to be one of them. They are not anti-Semites. Neither was I. It is just that I gained perspective over the last two years while they continue to see only what social media shows them. Most of them have never met a Jew, let alone an Israeli. And many in South Asia are emotionally invested in the fate of Palestine because of Jerusalem’s religious significance. Personally, I haven’t stopped caring about the Palestinians. I have simply started caring about the Israelis as well. To boycott Israel seemed like a good idea two years ago. Afterall, the boycott had worked in South Africa. There was no reason to think it wouldn’t work in Israel. It took me a while to realize that the story in the Middle East is not one of white supremacy vs. People of Color and that the boycott called for total economic, cultural, and academic isolation of Israel, civil society included.
First, I must point out that Jews are not White. Therefore, she is correct in saying that the story in the Middle East is not one of White supremacy vs POC. It’s Jewish supremacy. After October 7th, the idea that Israel is full of evil White guys that happen to be Jewish is being pushed harder than ever. This is wrong and it is anti-White.
So what caused Ankur Dang to start caring about Israelis? I think you will find the answer in the following passage:
But that was before I met people who lived through the Second World War, lost family members in the Shoah, and found their only refuge in Israel.
That’s right folks, because the Holocaust was said to have happened there must be no criticism or punishment for Israel, no matter how deserved. This line of reasoning becomes more insulting when you know the Holocaust narrative is false. Of course this is not the conclusion that Ankur Dang wants you arrive at. She wants you to believe that boycotts will make it impossible for peace talks:
My hope for Israel and Palestine is the same. It is true that talks have failed many times before. But let us not forget, they need to be successful just once for things to change. And maybe the people who will lead us to that glorious day will meet at a sociology conference in Tel Aviv or a jazz concert in Jerusalem. Of course, that won’t happen if we engage in a boycott. So let us not. Now more than ever.
One second of wearing a thinking cap will tell you that a boycott of Israel in no way impedes their ability to stop killing Palestinians and stealing their land.
Considering that Israel has murdered more than 20,000 innocent Palestinians at this point, I wonder if Ankar Dang feels any remorse about writing this article. Or is she still happy to please her Jewish masters?
Lastly, I’d like to talk about immigration. If you have been paying attention, while at the same time avoiding false narratives from the MSM, you’ll know that the refugee crisis in Europe was caused by Israel. This crisis serves many Jewish interests. Among them is the demographic replacement of White Europeans and the shipping of potential enemies of Israel to another continent. Flooding Europe with migrants from an incompatible culture also serves to cause resentment of Muslims by the European natives due to the myriad of problems that the migrants cause. This, in turn, will lead some to side with Israel just because they don’t like Muslims. It’s a win-win-win for Jews.
You would think that the fact that Israel is committing a genocide for everyone to see would dissuade people from bringing up the Holocaust when talking about Palestine. But no, they just double down instead.
Hey, I noticed the banner on the homepage regarding CODOH. Do you know when they will be back up and if they lost any information in the process (forum posts/threads, blogposts, etc.)?
I saw this on Twitter, https://twitter.com/hhcilh/status/1724832511883444332 and since the forum is down I can’t search for anything regarding this note. Have you addressed it here or know a specific thread link on CODOH you have saved?
I don’t have any inside knowledge about CoDoH. According to the site they are working on getting it back up.
I’m not familiar with that note from Himmler. If it is even legitimate, so what? Do you really believe that Nazi Germany was able to carry out orders without any documentation to instruct the government or military on what do? It’s absurd. The reason Holocaust fabulists use these desperate measures is due to the lack of physical evidence. Ask the author of the tweet this, would a handwritten note constitute as evidence in a court of law? Would this bit of evidence be considered valid in any other circumstance? No.
I believe the shirts in the first picture read “not in our name” rather than “not in our home.”
You’re right!