Journalism and pseudoscience are two powerful tools that Holocaust fabulists employ to promote their false narrative. This article from DW assures Holocaust believers that there are in fact Jewish remains in the death camps, and that you’re a dumb bigot if you doubt this. Way at the end of the article there’s this: The Center…
Wooden Doors Part Two
Part 1 Thanks to Jake Shields, I am compelled to take a short detour from my “Who Started WW2” series and re-address the wooden door question. Because a post Shields made I learned something new. I’ve made it no secret that the wooden door argument is not my favorite. It is possible for a wooden…
Who Started WW2? Unification- Austria Part Three
Part 1, Part 2 The two major sources for this article are Who Started WW2? by Udo Walendy (pages 79–91) and 1939 – The War That Had Many Fathers, by Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof (pages 119–152). In part two, I left off by mentioning Schuschnigg’s plan to quash the Anschluss. His plan was exactly the sort of thing Holocaust fabulists would…
Who Started WW2? Unification- Austria Part Two
Part 1, Part 3 Who Started WW2? Treaty of Versailles Series, Who Started WW2? Weimar Series The two major sources for this article are Who Started WW2? by Udo Walendy (pages 79–91) and 1939 – The War That Had Many Fathers, by Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof (pages 119–152). While reading part one you may have been thinking “where is all that…
Who Started WW2? Unification- Austria Part One
Part 2, Part 3 Who Started WW2? Treaty of Versailles Series, Who Started WW2? Weimar Series Who Started WW2? Munich Conference Series The two major sources for this article are Who Started WW2? by Udo Walendy (pages 79–91) and 1939 – The War That Had Many Fathers, by Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof (pages 119–152). As children, we…
Who Started WW2? Weimer Germany Part 2
Part 1 In part one, I covered the societal ills of Weimar Germany. Now it is time to get into the economic woes that were a result of the Treaty of Versailles (ToV). Unfairly being blamed for WW1 and being forced to pay reparations was the main cause of the economic struggle that caused decent…
Who Started WW2? Weimer Germany
Part 2 Who Started WW2? Treaty of Versailles Series, Who Started WW2? Unification- Austria Series, Who Started WW2? Munich Conference Series One unfamiliar with the Weimar Republic in Germany might read the highlighted text below and think nothing of it. If that is you, please read on to know how troubling that statement really is….
Who Started WW2: Treaty of Versailles Part Three
Part 1, Part 2 It is time for the final installment of the Treaty of Versailles (ToV) series. As promised, there will be some more Jew-naming. Let’s start with one more rich and powerful Jew from America: Bernard Baruch. Wikipedia describes Baruch as such: After amassing a fortune on the New York Stock Exchange, he…
Who Started WW2: Treaty of Versailles Part Two
Part 1, Part 3 In part one of this series I outlined some of the major injustices of the Treaty of Versailles (ToV) and promised some Jew-naming. I must preface that I will not be using Udo Walendy’s book for this article, as he didn’t name names. Considering he was living in post-WW2 Germany, I’m…
Who Started WW2: Treaty of Versailles Part One
Part 2, Part 3 Who Started WW2? Weimar Series, Who Started WW2? Unification- Austria Series, Who Started WW2? Munich Conference Series Who started WW2? The short answer is: not Hitler. The more complete answer has been the subject of much debate and many thick books. One such book is Who Started WW2, by Udo Walendy,…