Marek tapped his pen on the crude wooden desk. He hated writing these reports. Paperwork was not the exciting part of his duty. He dropped his pen and cracked his knuckles. An empty shot glass stood next to a half empty bottle of Krupnik. He poured himself a shot.
He sipped the spicy brew as he mentally straightened out his story. He gulped the last half of the drink, wiped his mouth on his sleeve and began writing.
Lichtenstein. Memorandum from a conversation on 12 April. 1944.
Thousands of Jews from all Western countries, such as Holland, Belgium, France, were sent to Auschwitz. There was a selection; the strongest were sent to work, and they were admitted to the labor camp. The majority of those unfit for work, the physically weakest, were sent 93 to the so-called disinfection – often entire families at once. But these were actually execution chambers. The people were told to undress, their hair was shorn off, and they were driven into immense halls where the disinfection took place. There were seven of these halls. Each of them could hold about
Marek paused. He couldn’t remember the agreed upon number. It was at least a thousand. Probably more.
1,500 people. After the halls had been filled with people, the air was pumped out, and then an agent
Damn, what were we calling that gas? Ah hell, what does it matter? Is anybody even going to read this?
– Kreuzolit – was thrown into the disinfection locality through a small window. After three to five minutes, the people inside were executed. There were seven furnaces nearby to burn the bodies; each furnace had seven openings for throwing in the bodies. The combustion process lasted only a few seconds.
Marek quickly reread his report. Good enough.
Notes, Sources and Further Reading
Market is a fictional character but the report is real. It is one of 32 reports available to read in Graf’s book. These reports are the work of the Polish Resistance Movement’s “Division of Information Service”. Through the Armia Krajowa (Home Army) and Delegatura the reports made their way to Warsaw.
Richard Breitman, a well known American historian best known for his numerous books on the Holocaust, has claimed that “the Polish underground reports were an important complement to, and confirmation of, British signals intelligence”. According to Carlo Mattogno, “the British intercepts do not contain the slightest allusion to any extermination of Jews, so that the reports of the Polish resistance are neither a “complement” nor a “confirmation” of those intercepts…”.
These reports from the Polish resistance movement are at odds with the Orthodox version of the Holocaust story. The Killing methods, location and number of killing facilities and death toll do not jive with what is currently accepted. Furthermore many of the claims are at odds with reality. In this report alone we are told of a mysterious gas called Kreuzolit, there is no such thing. And a body combusting in mere seconds is just not possible.
For more information on these inconsistencies and to read the reports I invite you to read the aforementioned pages in Graf’s book which is freely available to read online.