Like Treblinka and Belzec, Sobibor was alleged to be a pure extermination camp. It is said that SS chief Himmler ordered the camp to be dismantled in October of 1943. It is further claimed that they demolished the alleged gas chambers. Most of the other camp buildings were demolished, but some barracks were left behind.
The Germans were driven out of the area in July 1944.[284] In August, Lieutenant Colonel Semion Volsky of the Red Army photographed the site and prepared a report which is on file in the Central Archives of the Russian Ministry of Defence.[285] After the end of the German occupation, the camp’s remaining barracks were briefly used to house Ukrainian civilians waiting to be resettled. These deportees dismantled several remaining buildings for use as firewood.[271][284] Parts of the Vorlager were subsequently sold to private individuals, though most of the camp site was returned to the Polish forestry administration.[284]
The Soviet Army were the first and only people to inspect and photograph the camp before this alleged crime scene was systematically picked apart. This is especially interesting considering that no excavations or archaeological investigations were done. According to Wikipedia these began in the 1990s.

On a side note, I couldn’t help but notice Wikipedia’s reference to The Black Book of Polish Jewry in the first paragraph from the image above. A book that is known to have inaccuracies in it.
Wikipedia also says that the alleged gas chamber foundations were discovered in 2014 with much media fanfare. Is this the case however? In Carlo Mattogno’s book, The “Operation Reinhardt” Camps Treblinka, Sobibór, Bełżec—Black Propaganda, Archeological Research, Expected Material Evidence we find that officials had already claimed to know the location of the alleged gas chamber.
In the 1960’s Romuald Dylewski was awarded the opportunity to build a memorial at Sobibor. He used the claimed location of the gas chambers in his design.
In 1965 the remains of the alleged gas chambers were paved over.
Here is a picture taken by a tourist in 2015.
So why is it that they claim the alleged gas chamber found in 2014 was a new discovery when the gas chambers had been supposedly discovered already? Why was the former discovery memory-holed and literally paved over?
The likely answer to that is a common theme in Holocaust studies. That being that the witness testimonies do not match reality.
Here are the summaries of the witness testimony regarding the alleged gas chambers at Sobibor. For more detailed descriptions you can refer to Mattogno’s book, pages 222-225.
Those descriptions are a problem because the original gas chamber discovery was a L-shaped building.
The following are the ruins from the 2014 ‘discovery’. As you can see they also don’t match the witness testimony.
Luckily for the orthodox Holocaust historians most people will take this updated discovery of the Sobibor gas chamber at face value. Thankfully for truth there are people like you, dear reader, that are actually interested in looking into the matter.
Thank you for your hard work debunking these viscous blood libels.
And thank you for keeping The Chairman fed, exercised, healthy, and happy.