Not much is known about revisionist Dean Irebodd as he prefers to remain anonymous. He is known for his entertaining documentaries. I have watched all of them multiple times and have used many of Irebodd’s talking points on this website. Here are his documentries which are available to watch and download at, One Third…
Tag: Dean Irebodd
Bone Crushing
Yitzhak Arad is a celebrated orthodox Holocaust historian. His book, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: the Operation Reinhard Death Camps, provides us with an explanation of why there are so few bone fragments in the Treblinka camp where some 900,000 Jews were said to be murdered and cremated on outdoor pyres. According to Arad, a group was…
Starvation in the Camps
Today’s entry was inspired by Dean Irebodd’s documentary, Buchenwald—A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil. If you have an extra two and a half hours to spare you should use them to watch Irebodd’s informative and entertaining video. If you only have several minutes you can read this post and I’m sure that you’ll be champing…