I have previously written about how Rudolf Hoess’ confession was coerced. In this article I would like to expand on that. My research is from Carlo Mattogno’s book, Commandant of Auschwitz, unless otherwise stated. (Even though the websites for CoDoH and Castle Hill Publishing are unavailable at the moment, you can still purchase Holocaust Handbooks…
Tag: Nuremberg Trials
International Military Tribunal
International Military Tribunal. It sounds serious. Sounds official. Legitimate. Unfortunately, the memory of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg is fading from the public’s memory. We cannot allow that to happen. The IMT was important because it proved the Holocaust happened. Just look at this article from the IMT constitution: Article 21. The Tribunal…
The Real Conspiracy Theory
Michael Peinovich recently debated History Speaks (HS) on the topic of the Holocaust, with Peinovich representing the revisionist side. You can find the video here. I will only be addressing one aspect of the debate in this article. If you would like more in-depth discussion, check out this CoDoH forum thread. Throughout the debate HS…
Here it is folks, IRREFUTABLE evidence of the Holocaust from the Holocaust Encyclopedia (HE), which is a part of the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum. Is it really IRREFUTABLE? Are my days as a Holocaust revisionist over because of this IRREFUTABLE evidence? The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg (IMT) is also referred to as…
Albert Speer
In yesterday’s article I posed the question, why was Albert Speer, the Minister of Armaments and War Production, and loyal ally of Hitler, only given 20 years prison time? As Stephen J. Sniegoski simply puts it, “Nuremberg standards were not applied equally to the defendants.” and, “By Nuremberg standards Speer deserved execution.” To illustrate this…
Made in Russia
Yesterday I wrote about revisionist Carlos Whitlock Porter and mentioned his book, Made in Russia – The Holocaust. To explain what this book is about here is a snippet from a review: “Porter’s tactic is audacious and provocative: he gives Allied prosecutors and their witnesses the floor and lets them strut their stuff for a…
The Execution of Julius Streicher
Julius Streicher founded the infamous Der Stürmer in 1923. He was appointed to Gauleiter of Franconia until he was removed from this position in 1940. He had no role in planning or carrying out wartime policies of the Hitler regime. Despite this fact and the fact that his paper was private and not sanctioned by the…
The Official Revisionism of Majdanek
According to Wikipedia, “Majdanek (or Lublin) was a Nazi concentration and extermination camp built and operated by the SS on the outskirts of the city of Lublin during the German occupation of Poland in World War II”. The number of victims varies depending on who you ask. Wikipedia states the official estimate as 78,000. While…
The Coerced Confession of Rudolf Hoess
Rudolf Hoess was the Commandant of Auschwitz during the time that the alleged homicidal gas chambers were in use. The details of Hoess’ capture and torture are gleefully recounted in the book, Hanns and Rudolf : the German jew and the hunt for the Kommandant of Auschwitz, by Thomas Harding. Alexander Hanns, the Nazi hunter…