Orthodox Holocaust historians have not been able to find traces of the alleged gas chambers in the Operation Reinhard camps (read my series about that topic here). The discovery of some tiles in Treblinka do not change this fact, despite officials trying to claim otherwise. Read on to learn why.
The following article from Ynetnews reports on an archeological investigation of Caroline Sturdy Colls. The article claims that there were no excavations performed in Treblinka before Coll’s out of respect for the victims. I tend to think they didn’t perform excavations out of respect for the official Holocaust narrative. We’re talking about the alleged crime scene of 900,000 alleged murders. Crimes scenes of just one death have been more thoroughly examined and when it comes to mass graves not related to the Holocaust there are no qualms about digging those up.
Before I get into the tiles I would like to present the extent of Coll’s excavation in Treblinka II (see image below). As you can see, it’s a rather small hole. Much like Andrzej Kola, Colls is focused on finding the alleged gas chamber, not the human remains (stay tuned for more on Coll’s excavation of mass graves in Treblinka I).
The following is an image is from the Ynetnews articles of one of the tiles found. You can see that they are repeating of the claim that the mark is a star of David.
Ynetnews linked to a YouTube video from the Smithsonian Channel. In this video the archaeologist says that the star of David is on the bottom on the tile. Since my thinking cap is firmly in place I wonder why the Nazis would have star of David stamp on the bottom of a tile where no one would see it. What’s the point?

Eric Hunt’s documentary, The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax, revelas what this mark really is. First, it is not a star of David, rather a heraldic pieced mullet star. Second, it is the the brand mark of a Polish porcelain factory (see image below). Therefore we can be assured that the Holocaust promoters are misrepresenting the tile to suit their narrative. The thing is, it’s not even a good lie. It accomplishes little and is easy to see through. Yet they repeat it all the same, knowing that they have the advantage of being an authority figure and that their audience has been indoctrinated to believe the official Holocaust narrative.
Speaking of an easy to see through lie, the aforementioned YouTube video has the following top comments. It fills my heart with joy that so many people have overcome the Holocaust conditioning and are calling out the deceitful Holocaust promoters.

The beginning of the article stated, “Star of David-stamped tiles are consistent with Holocaust survivors’ reports of appearance of the Nazi extermination camp’s gas chambers.” Both the Ynetnews article, and the YouTube video, do not mention who the reports came from. Continue to part two where I reveal these reports.