Holocaust fabulists just want to grill.
Today I will be addressing the following topic from Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDoT:
As is typical of Holocaust fabulists “debunking” Holocaust revisionists, the argument of the revisionist is portrayed in a stupid and inaccurate way. From HDoT:
Holocaust deniers claim:
The cremation grills used at Sobibor, Treblinka, and Belzec were terribly designed. The cremation grills should have been designed like a Hindu funeral pyre, where the remains rest directly on the wood. This design would have been far more efficient than the grills the Nazis allegedly used.
For example, the self-named “Denierbud,” an American Holocaust denier and YouTube video maker, claims that such a model would have been more efficient because “as the wood sinks so does the body.”[1]
What a confusing and unhelpful way to describe Dean Irebodd‘s argument, which I will explain in a bit. You can also watch his argument directly from One Third of the Holocaust here, timestamp 3:02:55 to 3:12:13 for the relevant bits. Alternatively, you can download the relevant episodes 23 and 24 on Holocaust Handbooks.
First, I would like to point out the subterfuge employed when describing the alleged cremation method in the Operation Reinhard camps. If you were to look up Treblinka, which is the biggest of the Operation Reinhard camps, in the fabulist Holocaust Encyclopedia it would say this about the cremations: “The forced laborers were ordered to burn the bodies on open-air “ovens” made from rail track.” This implies that there was some sort of oven-like structure in which the bodies were placed in and burned. But that’s not exactly right.
Yitzhak Arad was an Israeli historian and a former director of Yad Vashem. He wrote a definitive book about the Operation Reinhard camps called Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: the Operation Reinhard death camps in which he explains the alleged cremation process. For the supposed top-priority mission of killing Jews and hiding the evidence, the cremation pyres were made with railway lines and concrete blocks:
At that time SS Oberscharfiihrer or Hauptscharfiihrer [Herbert] Floss, who, as I assume, was previously in another extermination camp, arrived. He was in charge of the arrangements for cremating the corpses. The cremation took place in such a way that railway lines and concrete blocks were placed together. The corpses were piled on these rails. Brushwood was put under the rails. The wood was doused with petrol. (source)
The bodies were stacked in layers and squirted liquid all over the prison workers:
The SS “expert” on bodyburning ordered us to put women, particularly fat women, on the first layer on the grill, face down. The second layer could consist of whatever was brought — men, women, or children — and so on, layer on top of layer. . . . Then the “expert” ordered us to lay dry branches under the grill and to light them. Within a few minutes the fire would take so it was difficult to approach the crematorium from as far as 50 meters away. . . . The work was extremely difficult. The stench was awful. Liquid excretions from the corpses squirted all over the prisoner-workers. (source)
As I mentioned, Dean Irebodd recreated the alleged cremation process on a smaller scale in One Third of the Holocaust.
Now to explain Irebodd’s argument. Below we can see the grill setup where the wood has burned down for about 10 minutes without having any more wood added. There is a space between the thing being cremated (a leg of lamb in this experiment) and the fire. And as the fire goes down, that space gets larger and more and more heat from the fire is wasted. It doesn’t take long before there is not enough heat reaching the lamb to make it combust. Irebodd says that a Hindu pyre is more efficient than this setup because there is no grill, so the body stays on top of the fire and no heat is wasted.
You may be thinking that maybe wood was constantly being added, but that isn’t the claim. From Arad’s book:
The body-burning went on day and night. The corpses were transferred and arranged on the roasters during the day; at nightfall they were lit, and they burned throughout the night. When the fire went out, there were only skeletons or scattered bones on the roasters, and piles of ash underneath. (source)
As we can see from Irebodd’s recreation, putting wood underneath the grills and leaving it to burn overnight wouldn’t have worked with the method that was claimed to have been used.
Defying reality is one of the problems you run into when crafting a lie. Like the bit about squirting corpse liquid that was added for dramatic effect. It’s great for storytelling, but not great for actually being true. As my robot assistant, Sarah, points out:
HDoT has some more crazy claims which I will refute in part two. Stay tuned!
Going by what is alleged to have happened at the Aktion Reinhardt camps, it appears to be literally true that there is no ‘Holocaust’ tale so absurd that exterminationists won’t defend it — and there is definitely no story more absurd than that of the mass murder, burial in huge pits, then exhumation of the corpses, in some cases after more than a year in the earth, in order to burn them over wood fires in the open air — just think about what would be left of a human corpse after a year underground — what was left to burn? — how would you burn a mess like that?
The German language Wikipedia page on Sobibor is particularly intellectually infantile, especially the part about the supposed archaeological work:
Vernichtungslager Sobibor
The page on Belzec is not much better, starting off on the wrong foot by declaring exactly 434, 508 people were murdered there (that would be enough people for a top 15 city, by population, in Germany today) — I won’t link to the page because a comment with more than one link goes into the moderation queue, but at least the Belzec page is honest enough to admit that while they know people were gassed with motor exhaust, they don’t know what kind of motor was used because there are too many conflicting stories:
Von den Entkleidungsbaracken führte der „Schlauch“, ein schmaler, von Stacheldraht begrenzter 70 Meter langer Weg, zu den Gaskammern. Anfänglich wurden die Opfer getötet, indem man – wie in den Tötungsanstalten der Aktion T4 – reines Kohlenstoffmonoxid-Gas aus Stahlflaschen einleitete. Später wurden Motorabgase eingeleitet; die Angaben über die Art des Motors sind widersprüchlich und nicht abschließend zu klären.
This is apropos of David Cole’s recent podcast with @BeakyBimbo (https://twitter.com/DavidColeStein/status/1702470731869921281) where he dismissed the difficulty of open air cremation by saying that millions of bodies are cremated that way every year in India (and also made reference to open-air cremation of large numbers of large livestock in the UK during an episode of hoof-and-mouth disease in the ’90s, ircc). Of course, he wasn’t distinguishing between the methods of directly on wood v. on rails.
Unfortunately, it seems to have been taken down. https://cozy.tv/politicallyprovoked/replays/2023-09-14
David Cole, the Jew that most likely got on the Holocaust revisionist train because he thought the gig was up and then denounced all his revisionism for whatever reason. Now he is defending something that he knows is fake.
It is true that open air cremations can happen. However, they couldn’t have happened the way that official Holocaust fabulists claim. You’ll see more reasons why in part two.
As for the open-air cremation of livestock, they used air curtain incinerator which are high efficiency machines and the Germans had nothing like them. You can read more about that here:
Isn’t is just so fun how dishonest Holocaust fabulists are?
Thanks for the comment!
>he thought the gig was up
David Irving, who was impressed with the ‘Leuchter Report’, said similar things around that time, e.g. see from approx the 7m30s mark in this video:
David Irving – Nuremberg War by other means
I think today Irving goes with a kind of ‘Holocaust lite’ — not sure if he still does it, but he used to host annual tours visiting relevant sites in Poland, including the Aktion Reinhardt camps.