For part three of the wood saga we will look at part two of Holocaust Denial on Trial’s (HDOT), attempt to explain where all the wood came from.
First they reference a report about burning swine carcesses where they only needed 1.2 pounds of wood for every 2.2 pounds of carcass. Sounds a bit low.
I followed HDoT’s source and found this:
Here are some images of an air curtain incinerator. The Germans had no such device at Treblinka, Sobibor or Belzec.
The following is what witnesses claimed the cremation setup was, roasters that were unprotected from the wind. This method would require a substantially greater amount of wood. To use the numbers from US Department of Agriculture’s report is criminally dishonest.
Because of this I can legitimately disregard HDoT’s ‘informed and realistic numbers’.
Let’s go back to Mattogno and Irebodd’s experiments. They both used different methods, but they were done in conditions much closer to what the witnesses claimed. If we grant HDoT the figure of 55 pounds being the average weight the amount of wood required according to Mattogno’s experiment would be approximately 231,000,000 pounds. Dean Irebodd’s experiment was the most accurate replication of the claimed conditions and with his figures 7,700,000,000 pounds of wood are needed. These amounts are much more ‘informed and realistic’ than HDoT’s claim of 33,000,000 pounds.
According to witnesses the wood was gathered from the surrounding forests. Sometimes as far as 3 miles away.
HDoT references the following before and after photos from Belzec.
That last photo is a closeup. Here is the full picture where you can see that some trees have been cleared, but not on the scale that HDoT would have you believe.
Here is a larger version of the before photo for reference. Air-Photo Evidence—World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed is a great resource for aerial photographs taken during WW2. Why trust some site that only gives you half the picture?
If HDoT tells a lie in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If you are outraged at the level of intellectual dishonesty that HDoT has committed spread the word. Don’t let Deborah Lipstadt and Emory University, the creators of HDoT, get away with this fraud!
I didn’t see them challenge the “30 times the area of the camp” number, so even if we allow that we can magically use one sixth the amount of wood there would still need to be an area 5 times the size of the camp cleared for wood.
Don’t really see that in the photos
All I see is a clearing that’s about 400 feet wide, and a 400ft clearing doesn’t seem like a big enough spaces to burn 1.5 million people, doesn’t seem like a big enough space to house the people needed to gather the wood for burning that number of people… doesn’t seem like enough space to bury the ashes.
I’ve been on a camp out before and our fire left a big black mark, I’d think a really big fire in such a small space would leave the entire area blackened.
Really just seems like a story made up by a bunch of people who had never left the city.
Good points.
Air curtain incinerators themselves have powerful air blowers that also need fuel or power in order to operate.
Excellent point!