When you do a search for Holocaust death camps you are greeted with the familiar photos of piles of emaciated dead bodies. These photos are presented in Holocaust documentaries, movies, textbooks, and the like, as a proof of the Nazi atrocities. You even get images of camps that are not claimed to be death camps like Dachau.
What is interesting is that according to the orthodox Holocaust narrative all the bodies of the victims of gassing were burned in crematory ovens, pits or pyres. So presenting piles of dead bodies does not prove the claims of homicidal gas chambers as according to the official story, which is that they would have been burned the bodies before the camps were liberated.
Why the dishonesty?
Perhaps it’s because they don’t want to bring up the issue of typhus and the fact many of these piles of dead bodies were the result of typhus outbreaks. Typhus outbreaks were devastating and caused thousands of deaths. Maybe some might find it odd that Germans would bother with gas chambers if they could have a disease do the work for them. Instead Germans went out of their way to curb the spread of disease by using delousing chambers for clothing and bedding and using cremation because it is a more sanitary, disease preventing, way to dispose of the dead.
Perhaps it’s because there is no actual physical evidence of homicidal gas chambers and pictures of old basement rooms aren’t enough to shock the audience into thinking with their emotions.
Perhaps it’s time for open and honest discussion of the Holocaust and it’s claims.