Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 The two main sources for this article are Who Started WW2? by Udo Walendy (pages 120–124), 1939 – The War That Had Many Fathers by Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof (pages 206–226). If one were to go by what the Holocaust fabulists say, they would be led to believe that Hitler was to blame for escalation of…
Month: July 2024
Misrepresented Himmler Directives
Heinrich Himmler said some pretty edgy stuff. Holocaust fabulists use Himmler’s bloviating to further their false narrative. The good folks at CoDoH have covered Himmler’s speeches in their Holocaust Encyclopedia. From their entry on Himmler’s speeches: In truth, Himmler was something of a babbler who loved to hear himself talk tough. Despite all the talk…
Jews Beaming Propaganda to British Children
Today’s technology enables Holocaust revisionists to spread the truth; however, it also enables Holocaust fabulists to come up with ever more dystopic ways to indoctrinate children. From the Jewish Chronicle: What’s next, beaming the Holocaust propaganda directly into the children’s brains? The United Kingdom has a history of doing everything that Jews want. Signing the…