Through an uninteresting turn of events I learned of the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO) and the yearly convention that they hold for Jewish youth leaders. I was quite surprised I had never heard of an event that has hosted such prestigious speakers as Johnathan Greenblatt and the President of Israel. Is this because BBYO…
Defending a Lie
When someone is defending a lie, whether they’re aware of it or not, they will inevitability end up making all manner of mistakes. In this article I would like to explore what it looks like to defend a lie by using real-life examples (Twitter (X) interactions with internet Holocaust affirmers). For my first example I…
Who Started WW2? The Annexation of Czechoslovakia
Who Started WW2? Treaty of Versailles Series, Who Started WW2? Weimar Series, Who Started WW2? Unification- Austria Series, Who Started WW2? Munich Conference Series A major source for this article is, 1939 – The War That Had Many Fathers by Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof (pages 221–231). If you have been keeping up with my “Who Started WW2?” series, you will…
Owns Gone Wrong Part Two
Part 1 It’s time for another installment of “Owns Gone Wrong,” a segment where people who disagree with me—and therefore are wrong—make an argument for their side but end up helping mine instead. For today’s episode let’s start by taking a look at the Twitter (X) account of “Max Ou.” Max has been on Twitter…
Jan Sehn’s Hair Raising Forensic Investigation Part Two
Part 1 In part one I discussed why it is problematic to claim that the Sonderkommando cut the alleged gassing victims’ hair after the alleged gassing due to cyanide contamination. So why would Holocaust fabulists tell such a problematic lie? Although one can only speculate, however, the answer could be as simple as Jan Sehn’s…
Jan Sehn’s Hair Raising Forensic Investigation Part One
Part 2 During a discussion with internet Holocaust affirmer “Jeff”, I was rewarded with a rare prize: He actually provided me with forensic evidence when asked: This claim of cutting hair is real (see below) and not something Jeff made up in his head. Regarding the cyanide contaminated hair being hung up, Jeff’s source says:…
Why Dr. Johann Paul Kremer’s Diary Isn’t Evidence for the Holocaust Narrative
It may come of no surprise that I often engage in discussion of the Holocaust narrative with random people on social media. I begin most of these conversations by asking for evidence of Holocaust claims. The average Holocaust believer will link an article from the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum’s Holocaust Encyclopedia, or say…
Miklos Nyiszli: Unreliable Witness Part Three
Part 1, Part 2 Let us get right into the outrageous Nyiszli claims. For this article I will be citing his book I Was Dr. Mengele’s Forensic Pathologist in the Auschwitz Crematorium, published in 1946. Nyiszli claims to have spent months in the Birkenau crematoria. He also bragged about his command of the German language,…
Miklos Nyiszli: Unreliable Witness Part Two
Part 1, Part 3 In part one I established that Miklos Nyiszli is an unreliable witness. To further cement that we will be dissecting more of Nyiszli’s claims. To begin I’d like to talk about this exchange on Twitter (X): My regular readers will know that hypothermia experiments are not evidence of the Holocaust, the…
Miklos Nyiszli: Unreliable Witness Part One
Part 2, Part 3 Most people are familiar with the “evil Nazi medical experiments” meme. What most people don’t know is that the bulk of these claims are only supported by witness testimony. Much of this testimony came from Miklos Nyiszli, a Jewish inmate of Auschwitz who claims to have been Dr. Mengele’s assistant. In…