Through an uninteresting turn of events I learned of the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO) and the yearly convention that they hold for Jewish youth leaders. I was quite surprised I had never heard of an event that has hosted such prestigious speakers as Johnathan Greenblatt and the President of Israel. Is this because BBYO wants to keep their doings low-key? Perhaps. It is curious that when I mentioned the BBYO convention on Twitter (X), a coordinated attack from presumably Jewish accounts ensued.
Before I get into details about the BBYO convention, I’d like to talk about hypocrisy. I have previously discussed how the Holocaust narrative is an anti-White lie. One of the ways the Holocaust narrative can be used for an anti-White agenda is by calling any attempts for White people to organize, or even advocate for themselves, Nazism. Because the White population has imbibed the lie that the Nazis were the ultimate evil, the implication is that by advocating for themselves, White people will launch the next Holocaust if they’re ever allowed to organize. The hypocrisy comes into play when we have things like the BBYO convention promoting Zionism, an ideology that has led to the very real genocide of Palestinians. This means that the same people accusing White people of being evil and genocidal for merely defending their existence are the same people that are organizing as Jews to promote a genocidal ideology.
BBYO’s operational security (OPSEC) precautions reminds me of what we had to do to have pro-White gatherings. Unlike pro-White activists, attendees of BBYO’s convention have no need to worry about losing their livelihood for attending an event that promotes their group’s self-interests. What the BBYO organizers do need to worry about are potential protesters. It would be extremely demoralizing for the Jewish youth to see other young people conducting an anti-Zionist protest outside of the event. For this reason, event location is not posted until a few days prior, and, as of writing this, speakers for the 2025 convention in February have still not been publicly announced.
Now I’d like to get into discussing some of the 2024 speakers. First I’d like to talk about the guy that is sticking out like a sore thumb, “The Honorable Maxwell Frost.”
Thanks to “F” on Twitter (X), I learned that in March of 2022, Frost courted a pro-Palestinian group in Florida to gain their support by allegedly supporting BDS, and ending aid to Israel, only to be betrayed. In August of that year Frost told JewishInsider that he was both pro-Palestine and pro-Israel (see below). In reality he had really changed his views to be pro Israel because you cannot be both. Fast forward to 2024 and Frost is a featured speaker for one of the biggest Jewish events in the world. Apparently a two-faced hypocrite is seen by the BBYO organizers as a good role model for their Jewish youth. For a deeper dive on this you can check out Peinovich & Boskovich Episode 53.
Another good goy featured speaker is Anila Ali, a Muslim woman with Pakistani heritage. Ali is the president of American Muslim and Multifaith Woman’s Empowerment Council (AMMWEC), which “takes on the challenge of internal and external bigotry by empowering Muslim women on the frontlines.” Apparently Ali doesn’t apply this mission to the women and girls of Gaza that lived in a warzone for over two years. BBYO isn’t the only Jewish/Zionist organization Ali is involved with. Just recently she was given an award from the Jewish Federations of North America, another Jewish/Zionist organization. While looking for information about Ali on Twitter (X), I also found several posts suggesting that she revoke her nationality for supporting Israel. Apparently BBYO organizers want to trot out gentile race traitors for their Jewish youth.
Now, we can’t forget that the BBYO convention is for teens. So they had to keep things cool and hip. So why not invite Jewish comedian Brett Gelman? Gelman is one of those Jews who likes to pretend to be White in order to call White people racist. (He does it here too.) For the record, race is more than skin color and Jews are not White despite their light skin. I wonder if Gelman brought up the early days of his career to inspire the Jewish youth in attendance. After college he was a regular performer at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre as part of the duo Cracked Out and sketch group Mr. A$$. See the image below for some tracks from his musical group because I would feel gross typing them out. Perhaps there is something about Jewish culture that makes them see Gelman as a good role model for teens.
So remember, this year’s convention is February 13–17 in Denver. Whatever you do, don’t tell any pro-Palestine organizations about its existence.
Finally, I’d like to add that even though a Israel/Palestine ceasefire was pun into effect on January 19th, 2025, and Israel has had to leave Gaza with its tail between its legs, we must continue to keep Israel on blast because they will inevitably continue to commit human rights abuses against the Palestinians like they always have.
Great post, I didn’t know there was a youth organization. Should we do something, akin boycotting?
Thanks! There is really nothing to boycott. An anti Israel protest at their event would hurt them the worst.