Part 2 During a discussion with internet Holocaust affirmer “Jeff”, I was rewarded with a rare prize: He actually provided me with forensic evidence when asked: This claim of cutting hair is real (see below) and not something Jeff made up in his head. Regarding the cyanide contaminated hair being hung up, Jeff’s source says:…
Tag: Sonderkommando
Unique and Sensitive Testimony
(Update 6/14/2023: I have been made aware that ChatGPT has been caught making up answers. While I am fact checking information received from ChatGPT this article is an exploration into the workings of ChatGPT therefore I will leave it as is. Just be aware of ChatGPT’s shortcomings while reading this article.) Today me and my…
Gas Chamber PPE
Thanks to a user on the CoDoH forum I have a new website to pick on, the Museum of Tolerance (MoT). They have a section dedicated to rebutting Holocaust denial. Here is their answer to the bodies being removed right after they were gassed. Notice how they do not refute the claim that bodies were…
Troublesome Testimony
The official story is that the Sonderkommandos were work units made up of German Nazi ‘death camp’ prisoners. They were usually Jewish and their job was to help their German tormentors with the genocide of their own people. They could have refused and just been killed along with the others, but they decided it was better to…
The Sonderkommando Problem Part Two
Part 1 Yesterday I discussed some of the problems the Sonderkommando cause the official Holocaust narrative. During which the following article came into play. I’d like to discuss some of the images used in the article. Because let’s face it, the majority of people just read headlines (expect on my website, of course) and many…
The Sonderkommando Problem Part One
Part 2 The men of the Sonderkommando units are something I have previously written about. Today I would like to talk about the concept as a whole instead of the individual cases. Some questions might come to mind when first learning about the Sonderkommando. First, why would a Jew help the SS men in the…
Filip Müller
Filip Müller is a well known and fondly remembered ex-Sonderkommando of the Holocaust. Sonderkommando being a Jew that allegedly assisted the Germans in murdering other Jews. I have written about Müller and his story of eating poppy seed cake in the gas chamber before. I have also previously mentioned how Raul Hilberg in his definitive…
Henryk Tauber
Henryk Tauber was a Holocaust survivor who had claimed to be an Sonderkommando (a Jewish inmate that allegedly helped the Germans kill other Jews) while in Auschwitz. His testimony to the the Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes was given in Krakow on May 24, 1945. Jean-Claude Pressac, whom I have written about, has…
Evaporation Rates Matter
Orthodox Holocaust historians tell us that in the Nazi death camps there were units called Sonderkommando. They were made up of Jewish prisoners who helped the Germans murder Jews. We have much witness testimony from these Sonderkommando survivors as to how the alleged homicidal gas chambers worked. In fact, witness testimonies are the only insight…