In 2010 Caroline Sturdy Colls performed an archaeological dig at Treblinka I and II. I have already refuted her claim that the discovery of some tiles in Treblinka II confirms the existence of homicidal gas chambers. You can read that article here. To summarize that article, Treblinka II is where the alleged extermination camp was….
Tag: Sturdy Colls
A Rather Dishonest Claim
Part 1 In part one I demonstrated how Nazis did not use star of David stamps on their tiles. Today I will address the following statement made in the Ynetnews article: Notice how the wording is a little tricky, a little weaselly. They have to say ‘consistent with’ and not matched because none of the…
A Rather Stupid Lie
Part 2 Orthodox Holocaust historians have not been able to find traces of the alleged gas chambers in the Operation Reinhard camps (read my series about that topic here). The discovery of some tiles in Treblinka do not change this fact, despite officials trying to claim otherwise. Read on to learn why. The following article…
700,000 Bodies
(This article was originally published on October 26th, 2022. It has been updated with new information.) Orthodox Holocaust historians allege that Treblinka was a pure death camp with the sole purpose of extermination. They estimate the death count to be about 925,000 Jews. That’s nearly the amount that is said to have been murdered in…
How Did They Know? Part Two: Treblinka
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4 In part oneI began examining the explanation Holocaust Denial on Trial, or HDoT, gave for how the orthodox Holocaust historians knew what happened at Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec. Today I will examine Treblinka. The book Treblinka—Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, by Carlo Mattogno and Jürgen Graf, has an extensive…