During a discussion with internet Holocaust affirmer “Jeff”, I was rewarded with a rare prize: He actually provided me with forensic evidence when asked:
This claim of cutting hair is real (see below) and not something Jeff made up in his head. Regarding the cyanide contaminated hair being hung up, Jeff’s source says: “At Birkenau, he says, “the hair cut from the women’s corpses was collected and dried in the lofts of the crematoria, using the heat from the furnaces and chimneys”; SS men made spot checks to ensure that the hair was “completely dry” according to one testimony from a member of the cleaning detail.” Cyanide gas doesn’t make hair wet, but whatever. And in 1945 there was a forensic investigation initiated by Jan Sehn to test for cyanide in objects allegedly found in Auschwitz/Birkenau. We will get to that in a bit.
For an example of testimony that corroborates with the cutting of hair after the alleged gassings we have testimony taken on February 26, 1945 from Szlama Dragon, who claimed to be a Sonderkommando. The following is part of that testimony. Interesting side note: Dragon was also investigated by Jan Sehn on May 10 and 11, 1945.
As a member of one of the two groups, I was taken to the gas chamber called gas chamber no. 2, the other group was taken to gas chamber no. 1. […] The group brought in to work at gas chamber no. 2 was assigned various tasks by Moll. Twelve persons had to take away the corpses from the gas chamber – I was one of those; 30 persons had to load the corpses on the carts, 10 persons had to carry the corpses to the carts, 20 persons had to throw the persons into the pits, 28 persons had to bring the wood to the pits, 2 persons had to take gold teeth, rings, earrings etc. from the corpses – which happened in the presence of two SS men – and two persons had to cut the hair off the women in the presence of one SS man. Moll personally lit the pyres. (source, page 152)
No need to get into the depth of the absurdity of only two barbers and two dentists processing 2000 alleged gassing victims. The problem I want to get into is collecting hair after the alleged gassing. This was actually touched upon in my article, Gas Chamber PPE. This problem being that the hair, along with the clothing and bodies themselves, were contaminated with cyanide, and the only PPE anyone mentions being employed- if any any PPE was mentioned at all- were gas masks. The corpses that were exposed to cyanide gas will retain cyanide and lingering cyanide from a contaminated body can be absorbed though the skin of those handling it (source, page 19). Thus everyone involved is at risk of cyanide poisoning. Claiming that the hair was cut after the alleged gassing puts more personnel at risk and makes no sense. Bear in mind that the cutting of hair was not done to be evil and mean to the inmates, it was done to save lives by dealing with the louse that spread diseases like typhus, which was a major problem in some of the camps. (If you’re wondering about the pyres, there’s an article for that.)
Being that certain states in America employ cyanide gas for capitol punishment I was able to find execution procedures (see below). Interesting that no such equivalent Nazi documents were ever found. For this lack of documentation we are supposed to believe, without evidence, that the Nazis managed to destroy all incriminating documents while they were busy losing a two-front war. The execution procedure document gives instructions for how to know when the chamber is safe to open, what PPE to wear- a mask and rubber gloves. The deceased inmate must be hosed down before even being moved and, most important to the subject of this article, the hair must be ruffled to allow trapped gas to escape. Out of all of these safety procedures only some of the Sonderkommando mentioned using a mask and no one mentioned anything about the rest. In fact, Filip Müller, who claimed to be a Sonderkommando, wrote about how he ate poppyseed cake in the alleged gas chamber right after everyone was gassed.
If Sonderkommando testimony was accurate then they would have suffered from cyanide poisoning and potential death. Certainly they would have been unable to move dead bodies, cut their hair and pull their teeth with even mild cyanide poisoning, which includes headache, dizziness, fast heart rate, shortness of breath and vomiting. The only conclusion is that the witness testimony is inaccurate, rendering it unreliable. And with that revelation the Holocaust narrative house of cards, which is based on witness testimony, comes tumbling down.
So why would Holocaust fabulists tell such a problematic lie? Continue to part two to find out!
Myklós Nyiszli in his book _An_Auschwitz_Doctor’s_Account_ also corroborates this practice of shearing the dead. He even claims a military use for the locks of the deceased:
—Then follows a new phase in the exploitation of the Jews’ corpses. The Third Reich has already seized their clothing, their shoes. Hair is a valuable material too. It is essential for delayed action bombs, as hair is a fiber which expands and contracts uniformly in both dry and humid air. This capacity is brought to bear in the detonator mechanism of the bombs. And so the dead are shorn.—
He later contradicts himself about the fate of the executee’s hair, however:
—The blazing flames of the pyres send their light here [Idevilágít a máglyák lobogó tüze]. The smoke from the chimneys of the four crematoria is pervasive here [Itt terjeng négy krematórium kéményeinek füstje]. The air is heavy with the smell of burning human flesh and singed hair.—
So which is it? Were victims shaved post mortem, or were they thrown directly into the ovens where the stink of their burning hair could offend Nyiszil’s senses? It seems once the tale of immediate gassing (after disembarking and selection) was settled on, “witnesses” had to attest to corpses with hair. What happened to that corpse hair depends on which horrifying story they needed to tell.
Also, the claim “hair is a fiber which expands and contracts uniformly in both dry and humid air” is flatly false. Not only does hair change length and texture on humid days (something any woman could have told Nyiszli), the behavior of damp hair differs widely between ethnic groups, individuals, and even the same individual depending on diet, living conditions, and age. Nothing about hair + humidity is uniform.
Interesting points! Thanks for sharing.