When Night by Elie Wiesel was released in 1960 it was presented as the true story of Wiesel’s WW2 experiences. In the spirit of Halloween I present you with a spooky tale from Night. Several Pages later Wiesel makes a point of referencing this incredible, straight out of a movie, story to make sure that…
Faurisson vs. Andersson
Robert Faurisson was a prominent French Holocaust revisionist who lived from 1929 to 2018. Despite being physically assaulted multiple times, Faurisson never gave up his convictions. In 2002 revisionist Faurisson debated Holocaust defender, Mikkel Andersson (you can see Andersson’s now abandoned website here). This debate is an example of why orthodox Holocaust historians prefer dynamic…
Shedding Light on ‘Night’
When the first English translation of Elie Wiesel’s Night was released in 1960 it was a non-fiction book that was ‘beyond criticism’. This book was presented as the true autobiography of Wiesel and many students were required to read it. Today a Google search will show you that this same book is fictional children’s literature….
The Holocaust is No Place for Scientific Study
Yad Vashem calls themselves the ‘World Holocaust Remembrance Center’. It was founded in 1953 in Israel. Professor Ben Zion Dinur, who became the first President/Chairman of the organization, was Minister of Education in Israel at the time. He not so willingly resigned several years later in 1959. Why? Because he was actually skeptical of the…
Appealing to Emotion
When you do a search for Holocaust death camps you are greeted with the familiar photos of piles of emaciated dead bodies. These photos are presented in Holocaust documentaries, movies, textbooks, and the like, as a proof of the Nazi atrocities. You even get images of camps that are not claimed to be death camps…
The Coerced Confession of Rudolf Hoess
Rudolf Hoess was the Commandant of Auschwitz during the time that the alleged homicidal gas chambers were in use. The details of Hoess’ capture and torture are gleefully recounted in the book, Hanns and Rudolf : the German jew and the hunt for the Kommandant of Auschwitz, by Thomas Harding. Alexander Hanns, the Nazi hunter…