Heinrich Himmler said some pretty edgy stuff. Holocaust fabulists use Himmler’s bloviating to further their false narrative. The good folks at CoDoH have covered Himmler’s speeches in their Holocaust Encyclopedia. From their entry on Himmler’s speeches:
In truth, Himmler was something of a babbler who loved to hear himself talk tough. Despite all the talk about not spreading the word about what he was about to say, he had it all recorded for posterity to read and hear! It is clear that Himmler was a security liability for the Third Reich. Hitler wised up to him only toward the end of the war, when he had the secretive Heinrich Müller take over for Himmler.
While Himmler’s orders to his subordinates demanded ever-increasing efforts to save the lives of the Jews and to put everyone to productive work, in his speeches he ranted about having killed, by the end of 1943, each and every single Jew in the German sphere of influence his henchmen could lay their hands on. Himmler was a grandiloquent liar! Or perhaps just a typical politician.
Speeches, when it comes down to it, are just talk. You cannot use them as proof that something happened in reality unless you have the physical evidence to back it up, and claims made by Holocaust fabulists have a distinct lack of physical evidence.
Directives, on the other hand, are a bit more substantial. That is why Holocaust fabulists misrepresent them to further their narrative. One of these misrepresented Himmler directives refers to Sobibor, referred to NO 482 at the Nuremberg trials. Thomas Kues has an article about this topic. Since that topic has already been covered I won’t get into it aside to point out that this was a case where context was omitted in order to promote a false narrative. From Kues’ article:
It is clear as day from even a cursory glance at these letters that Pohl and Globocnik did not “convince” Himmler “to make Sobibor into a ‘transit camp’”. In fact it was the other way around: the camp was designated a transit camp (Durchgangslager) at the time Himmler wrote his directive. This leaves only two possibilities: either Black has not read the source he cites, which seems utterly unlikely considering that it’s one of only a handful surviving documents pertaining to a field which he is well-acquainted with, i.e. Aktion Reinhardt, or he is consciously distorting the actual contents of the document. In that he would not be alone, as several exterminationist historians have published false or misleading statements about NO-482.
The Himmler directive I will be covering is known as document 664-PS. I was made aware of it after the following article from the Guardian was shared with me on Twitter (X):
The Guardian makes the bold statement that “Marked ‘secret’ and signed by Heinrich Himmler, the bureaucratic language of document 664-PS dated 10 March 1944 masks the genocidal reality of its real meaning.” Yet the only text of the document the article discloses is the following:
It reads that as far as Jews and Gypsies are concerned, “the accomplished evacuation and isolation of these groups by the chief of the security police and the SD [SS intelligence]” had made previous prohibitions against them now meaningless.
The Guardian article goes on to double down on the claim that the document is talking about genocide.
In essence, the directive means that all Jews and Gypsies, at least according to Himmler, had at this point been removed from the Reich. “They have been forced out, or killed. The whole of the Reich has been cleansed in this murderous way,” said Dr Barbara Warnock, curator of the exhibition at the Wiener Holocaust Library in London.
“The language is bureaucratic and administrative, but in fact it is talking about genocide. It’s just so chilling to read. It is also very striking at this stage, quite late on, his lumping together of Jews and Gypsies”.
The Guardian article offers no link to view the entirety of document 664-PS. In fact, both I, and the Twitter user that shared the article, were having difficulties finding the text of the document in question. Fortunately, a friend of the site provided me with a link to the document. Let’s read it together:
Do you see anywhere in the document where it says anything about Jews and Gypsies being mass murdered? You might be looking for it because your were told it was there. Allow me to clarify the directive. In the Reich Poles, Jews and Gypsies had different rules applied to them. Because the rules for each group were published, there was confusion and people would have the incorrect rules applied to them. In the second paragraph, Himmler said that because the Jewish and Gypsy groups have been evacuated and isolated, not murdered, there was no need to make the regulations for Jews and Gypsies public. Because the directive is marked “SECRET,” Holocaust affirmers cannot credibly use the excuse coded language.
Once again we have an example of a Holocaust affirmer being dishonest about, and removing context from, a German document. I don’t know about you, but even this one instance of lying would be enough to make me distrust other claims from Holocaust affirmers. Furthermore, this isn’t the only lie. My website alone has over 200 articles detailing dishonesties and lies told by Holocaust affirmers.
Take the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum (USHMM) for example. The USHMM receives millions yearly in government and private funds. Almost everything you could Google about the Holocaust will return a link to the USHMM in the first result. The entries in their Holocaust Encyclopedia do not have citations to outside sources. All the links are to their own site. That means that we’re just supposed to take their word for it not knowing where there information is coming from. When you know that Holocaust fabulists misrepresent primary sources, you cannot take what they claim at face value.
There is too much at stake when it comes the Holocaust narrative. That is why you must always question what you are being told about WW2 events from the Jews and their Allies.