Notes, Sources and Further Reading
I must first thank and give much credit to Warren B. Routledge’s book, Elie Wiesel, Saint of the Holocaust—A Critical Biography. Routledge’s book is an unparalleled critique of Elie Wiesel’s life and claims. Thanks to Routledge I did not have to pore through all of Wiesel’s writing to find his contradictions, absurdities, and outright lies. The extent of Wiesel’s fraud can not be overstated, and that is why I highly recommend this book, which is freely available.
If you didn’t catch it, the 2006 translation of Night deceptively corrected for continuity errors made in the previous versions. I say deceptively because the translation was done by Wiesel’s wife, Marion, and the changes were done without alerting the reader.
My article on why flaming chimneys wouldn’t have been a thing.
Regarding Wiesel’s registration at Auschwitz: the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum has a database of Holocaust survivors and victims. The entry for Elie Wiesel lists its source as “Names from the Oral History Collection.” When searching for other Auschwitz survivors/victims, however, there is actual documentation for them (see image below). Why is there no such documentation for Wiesel? You will see the answer in the next paragraph.

The following is the personal file card for Lázár Wiesel (full size can be found here). This card is the record of the person that has the A-7713 tattoo—the tattoo number that Wiesel claims to have. According to Routledge: “What this card revealed was that Lazar Wiesel arrived at Buchenwald and was registered there on January 26, 1945. At that time, he was given a new Buchenwald serial number, 123565, but his Auschwitz number, A-7713, also appeared on the form, and is written in at the top center. The date of January 26, 1945, indicating the date on which Lazar Wiesel’s train from Auschwitz arrived at Buchenwald, is also stamped on the form. If Mattogno is right, Elie Wiesel, in taking over someone else’s ID number, is not the man he claims to be, and was thus never a detainee at either Auschwitz or Buchenwald. These findings by Mattogno make it all the more urgent for the authorities at the USHMM to release the full personnel files for Wiesel and all his family members.”

Recall Wiesel’s description of Dr. Mengele? The following is a colorized photo of him. I’ve never seen a photo of Mengele with a monocle.

Here is a photo from Routledge’s book of a convoy of Hungarian Jews. As you can see, there are no flaming chimneys and no sign of flaming death pits.

For your reference, here is the famous photo that Wiesel was supposedly in. The second image is a comparison of the man Wiesel claimed to be and a photo of him as an adolescent right after the war. See pages 151-161 of Routledge’s book for the fill sordid story.