The Memorial and Museum for Auschwitz/Birkenau, or MMAB, hosts the website, Every official Holocaust website has its obligatory section on Holocaust denial. I can’t think of any other totally real historical event the requires such protection. Today I will show how their entry on ‘Denial forms‘ illustrates the fragility of the Holocaust narrative.
First we have accusations of Holocaust revisionists ignoring obvious facts and manipulating the sources. Can the MMAB give an example of this? I can give numerous examples of Holocaust Denial on Trial being guilty of this very thing in their attempts to protect the Holocaust narrative. If the Holocaust story is true why are dishonest practices needed to defend it? I have also never seen a Holocaust revisionist make the claim that genocide is acceptable during wartime or anytime.
It is true that Holocaust revisionists ‘attack’ the existence of the gas chambers, the ability of the crematoriums in Auschwitz/Birkenau to dispose of the bodies and the scale of the alleged crime. Why do revisionists do this? It’s because there is both evidence and the lack of evidence that brings the claims of the Holocaust into question.
The Holocaust is so fragile that simply using the term’ Polish concentration camps’ is an assault to the narrative.
The way this first sentence is worded implies that the only reason to question the existence of the alleged homicidal gas chambers is to deny that a genocide happened. Like we just woke up one morning and decided that we didn’t want to believe in the Holocaust. Of course that is absurd. The reason to deny the gas chambers is because there is ample evidence that prove that they didn’t exist. It is prudent to remind that the burden of proof lies on the accuser. The Holocaust is not an exception for this.
Revisionists do not believe that it was ok for Nazis to systemically murder Jewish people simply because we do not believe that Nazis systematically murdered Jewish people. To imply that we do, as MMAB is doing, is just an attempt to make us look ghoulish and discredit us.
This account of Sonderführer Thies Christophersen that ‘used to be prime evidence’ for Holocaust revisionists is something I’ve never even heard of. Leave it to Holocaust affirmers to not present the best argument as the best Holocaust revisionists have to offer. In fact, revisionist often shun eyewitness testimony due to its unreliability.
Here MMAB is referring to the forensic tests done by both Fred Leuchter and Germar Rudolf. In Rufold’s book, The Chemistry of Auschwitz—The Technology and Toxicology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers – A Crime-Scene Investigation, he expounds on both Leuchter’s and his results of the chemical analyses’ done of materials from Auschwitz/Birkenau. MMAB paints the picture that revisionists use this one empirical test to say that no one was gassed. See image below for what I think about that. It’s not one single point that is the reason someone denies the Holocaust. Rather it is being presented with an influx of arguments and facts that demonstrate the Holocaust could not have happened the way officials claimed it did. The Holocaust is so fragile that representation of its dissenters has to be dishonest and misleading.
So many angles to attack the affirmer narrative of the holocaust. Affirmers like Myles Powers would be struggling their whole lives to hold it together. So they write a short article and quit.
They’re coming from a place where they are trying to prove an outcome, not find the truth, and it shows.
I’ve also never heard of this Cristopherson fellow, but it’s obviously true and I would actually like to see more eye whitness reports about the camps.
Obviously eye witnesses saying “nothing happened” isn’t the most exciting content, but it’s one area where holocaust affirmers are miles ahead. They know that facts don’t convince, but someone who “was there” and “saw it with their own eyes” can sway people emotionally.
It’s good to have facts… they never pushed their lies based on “facts” but on stories. I know it sound kind of cliche to say “guys we’re doing it all wrong” and I don’t want to be one of those guys, but I’ve never heard the stories of Germans or Poles who were at the camps and know what it was actually like. I know all sorts of facts about the camp and what happened there, but it’s all very abstract and seeing it through the eyes of someone who was there would be helpful. I didn’t even know it was an industrial plant until I started reading your blog… I guess what I’m saying is that I’m profoundly ignorant of the “holocaust” and we would all benefit from more holocaust education 😀
There are testimonies available and they were even provided by jew Steven Spielberg for his shoah movie. Of course, when you watch the movie it’s the most hateful and retarded testimonies you can imagine. They did experiments on us to turn our eyes blue. My favorite is “I ate the diamonds my mom gave me and pulled them out of my shit everyday for 2 years”. Seriously, how dumb is that? Never lost one, never thought of another place to put them. Anyway, there were honest jews that gave honest testimonies and they talk about how it was in the camps and it is so very different of what we have been told. Cantine, writting letters, theater, soccer matches with the guards. I’ll poste a link, it is one of the things that influenced me the most. The other clip that made a big difference is the one with all the news paper clippings about 6 million jews over and over and over and over. It’s always 6 million even way before the war! At that point you know it’s a scam especially when you find out what the definition of a survivor is and that they all were getting paid reparations. Just lie they want the whites to pay to the blacks for their slave trade. They are crooks!
If you don’t trust the links search on bitchute for
1 – Holocaust testimonies
2 – six million jews (all letters)
Thanks for the links! Some of the testimony is rather absurd indeed. I think you might appreciate this music video.—The–2-Diamond:c
Thanks for the comment, I am happy to hear you are learning new things! I agree that using emotions can be very persuasive, especially when it’s a figure of authority employing these tactics. However that is out of the scope of what I’m trying to accomplish on this site. I am focused on providing solid arguments against the claims made by orthodox Holocaust historians. Although I do think it is important to know the suffering of the German people because of this blood libel. It is a topic I would like to touch on once I’ve done enough research on the matter.