For reasons I found myself in a university library today. I took the opportunity to check out their selection of Holocaust affirming literature. Of course nowadays everything is online and students don’t check out books. Still it is interesting to see the dissemination of Holocaust propaganda through academic institutions.
My academic adventure began by parking next to this car which so stunningly and bravely projects the owners values.

Let’s begin with this big blue book simply called The Holocaust, which was published in 1945. The author is Nora Levin, and yes, she is Jewish.

Looking up Nora Levin on the CoDoH forum led me to an interesting revelation by user Archie. About the early Holocaust authors he states, “Maybe it’s just me, but in terms of credentials this group (see image below) is decidedly underwhelming. ALL five are Jewish, and at least two could be described as Jewish activists. There are three who held academic positions, two at Jewish schools, none at what I would call elite schools. And there’s only one doctorate among them. Hilberg is easily the best credentialed of the group, but even here we can’t help but notice that his field was political science rather than history. None of these books were published by an academic publisher. I am simply judging them here by their own criteria.” To which user Lamprecht adds the valid point, “Naturally we are supposed to assume that anyone who was part of the NSDAP or is of German ancestry at all cannot possibly be objective on this subject, but somehow it is heresy to suggest that a researcher of Jewish descent may be biased.”

Next we have some more Jewish names. Leff, Rothberg and my old friend, Deborah Lipstadt. For those of you who do not know, Holocaust Denial on Trial (HDoT), is a project of Lipstadt and Emory University. Despite the HDoT being backed by a prestigious university and a celebrated historian, I, a housewife with zero credentials, have been able to successfully refute every HDoT article I have come across. Not only are HDoT’s arguments faulty, but dishonest as well. HDoT regularly misrepresents the arguments and claims of Holocaust revisionists in order to blow down the strawman they have created.

Here Lipstadt has a mask off moment. Is this a statement a seeker of truth would say? No, it is a statement of someone looking to stifle the truth.
Finally, we have a couple of books by Saul Friedländer. Friedländer is a Czech-Jewish-born historian and a professor emeritus of history at UCLA. Very credentialed. French Holocaust revisionist, Robert Faurisson, has some great insight into the way Friedländer and other modern orthodox Holocaust historians operate, “Today there is no longer a single “historian” of “the Holocaust” who makes it his business to prove the reality of “the Holocaust” and its magical gas chambers. All of them do like Saul Friedländer in his latest book (L’Allemagne nazie et les juifs / Les années d’extermination, Seuil, 2008): they leave it as understood that it all existed. With them history becomes axiomatic, although their axioms aren’t even drawn up. These new historians proceed with such self-assurance that the reader, taken aback, doesn’t realise the trick being played on him: the smooth talkers go on endlessly about an event whose reality they haven’t established in the first place. And so it is that the customer, believing that he’s bought some goods, has actually bought the smooth talk of the one giving him the sales pitch.” (quote source)

What Faurisson said is spot on. The average person has been convinced that the Holocaust has been proven, although many don’t quite know how exactly. Some will say you are stupid to question it, others will call you sick and twisted. Few will actually have an argument against what the revisionist is saying. The power structures upholding the Holocaust narrative are massive and overarching. The narrative itself, however, is flimsy and weak. I am convinced that it will not hold out forever. I may even see its demise in my lifetime (fingers crossed).
I’m of the opinion that the world they want is a world where there isnt one “the narrative” but many lies for many people so that there isnt a solid set of holocaust claims that one can attack, but just a set of nebulous unquestionable non-disprovable abstractions floating in people’s heads.
Ayn Rand would rail against that sort of thing. She’s every bit as jewish as those pushing it, but I think she was guarding the rear against goys who had the most negative reaction to that sort of thing and trying to make them atomized indivoduals.
I think you’re onto something.