In part one I began addressing the Museum of Tolerance’s (MoT) evidence of Nazis using homicidal gas chambers. Thus far their evidence has been less than satisfactory.
As promised I will be addressing the issue of Jean-Claude Pressac. I should say that a careful study does not mean a valid or correct study.
Wikipedia claims that Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, the book MoT refers to, “demonstrated the technical possibility of mass killing by gas chambers during the Holocaust, thus debunking many falsehoods promoted by Holocaust deniers.” Despite this book being so important to debunking Holocaust deniers it had limited printings and is rare. Copies can sell for over $1000. Fortunately there is an online version.
As regular readers may have already guessed, has book that addresses Pressac’s work. Germar Rudolf’s, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers—An Introduction and Update to Jean-Claude Pressac’s Magnum Opus. I will employ the knowledge from this book later on.
Let’s get a feel for Pressac’s judgement. According to Pressac, Henryk Tauber is the best witness on the Birkenau crematoriums and is 95% ‘historically reliable’.
I have previously written about Tauber and Pressac’s affinity for him. Tauber is the guy that claimed 4 to 5, or more, bodies could be burned at a time in one of the crematory ovens below (the image shows what is a reconstruction of the crematory ovens in Auschwitz, however they are to scale).

For further absurdities that Tauber attested to I refer you to Jürgen Graf’s book, Auschwitz: Eyewitness Reports and Perpetrator Confessions of the Holocaust—30 Gas-Chamber Witnesses Scrutinized, pages 166-179, and to my article that I previously mentioned.
Back to Rudolf’s book where one of the biggest issues of Pressac’s books is mentioned in the introduction. That being that there are no references, foot/endnotes or bibliography. Is this what MoT considers a ‘careful study’?
In part one I described how the alleged gassing process worked in Krema 2. This process required the corpses to be transported from the alleged gas chamber (room 2), which was below ground, to the crematory ovens (room 3), which were ground level.

Pressac mentions the lift that was used in his book. A provisional goods hoist with a capacity of about 660 pounds. Pressac claims it was replaced by a lift with a higher capacity. He doesn’t mention when it was replaced and there is no picture of the alleged replacement.
Exterminating European Jews was allergy a top priority for the Nazis. Why is it then that one of the biggest alleged killing facilities had such an obvious bottleneck; a primitive lift that gave rise to ‘permanent problems’. Just something to think about.

There was an order to replace the lift, but the work was probably never completed as evidenced by a telegram sent on May 12th, 1944. It stated that installation of the elevators could not be done now and would be done later. Meaning up until that point the primitive lift with a 660 pound load capacity, and all its problems, was being used. There is no evidence to back up Pressac’s assertion that the new elevators were ever installed.
Although Pressac had been praised for his attempts to prove the use of homicidal gas chambers with out the reliance of witness testimony this book throws that out the window.
Here Germar Rudolf points out that Pressac had attempted to rehabilitate the testimony of a man who had been rejected as a witness by American prosecutors:
The following is the text from Pressac’s book that Rudolf is referring to. Somehow Nyiszli is RESPECTABLE and ADADEMIC even if he exaggerated details by a factor of four.
The fact that Pressac even bothers with testimony from an unreliable witness shows that the official Holocaust narrative relies on witness testimony. Without this testimony all you have are buildings that were obviously meant for delousing and buildings that were obviously crematoriums with basement storage rooms.
Read part three where I address MoT’s final point and wrap things up!

So really it’s a chad move from the orthodox historians. Their sources for homicidal gassing chambers were revealed to them in prophetic dreams. Based?