Since Holocaust Denial on Trial (HDoT) neglected to tell us about any physical traces of the alleged homicidal gas chambers in Sobibor it is my duty to pick up the slack.
I have already written a very interesting article (read it!) about the alleged homicidal gas chambers of Sobibor. I will summarize the article. Investigations of Sobibor were performed by Soviets after the war. In their reports they claimed to have located traces of the homicidal gas chamber. In the 1965 the spot of the alleged gas chamber from the first discovery was paved over and forgotten about. Then in 2014 the foundations of a different building were unearthed and the homicidal gas chamber was said to have been discovered (see image below).
The problem is that neither the first nor the second discovery was of a building that matched the witness reports of what the alleged homicidal gas chamber looked like. Just like Belzec we have witness testimony that does not match with reality. Because this witness testimony is vital to the official narrative of what happened in Sobibor the official narrative can not dismiss it. This means that either there is are homicidal gas chambers that look like what the witnesses described or there are no gas chambers.
This means that no traces of homicidal gas chambers have been found at Sobibor.
Since I already covered the lack of traces of alleged gas chambers at Sobibor, let’s take a look at this article and see how the power of suggestion works.
The scene is set. The title has the audience ready to see a GHASTLY light shed on the Nazi HORROR facility. In the first paragraphs of the article the author repeats the mantra that Sobibor was a camp with the sole purpose of murdering Jews.
Further down in the article Dr. Edna Friedberg is quoted:
Even though these photographs supposedly confirm the knowledge of industrial mass murder, the author admits that the photos do not show any processing of Jews in the camp. Another thing missing from the photos are the alleged homicidal gas chambers.
The author goes on to say how shocking it is that the Germans in the camp were enjoying themselves during their time off. The lighthearted behavior is actually not shocking at all when you factor in that Sobibor was not a death camp.
The following are the photographs of Sobibor presented in the article:
As you can see there is nothing in these photographs that confirm the official narrative of Sobibor as a death camp. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the camp existed from May 1942 until October 1943, and its gas chambers killed a total of about 250,000 Jews. It is claimed that in the summer of 1942 they started out door cremations of the bodies of the alleged victims. Johann Niemann’s photographs (you can see the entire collection of them here) of Sobibor were taken from 1942-1943 yet there is no evidence of smoke or fires in any of the photographs (I looked). These photos do not show any corrorbation with the official narrative. Since the official Holocaust narrative is protected and reinforced by all major institutions Dr. Friedberg can use her position of authority to convince people that they are seeing something that is not there.
That does it for this series. In the end we are left with less than nothing in the terms of physical traces of homicidal gas chambers in the Operation Reinhard camps.
So much of your stuff is just proving HDoT, pop media, or inaccurate post war reports wrong (I’m surprised you haven’t posted the train dumping story yet tbh. It’s probably the funniest one I’ve found). You should try refuting actual academic historical and archeological papers. I know sometimes they can be hard to get access to, but there are ways around annoying paywalls/institution blocked. Especially if you have a public library near you, you can get access through them. Also most authors will just give you their papers & sometimes even if you email them directly. They usually hate paywalls too.
I’d even recommend proposing some of your arguments to them in good faith. Some might block you, most will ignore you, but some might reply. Especially if you frame it as “I heard this argument from a Holocaust denier”. You can then go through their replies and see where/if they’re wrong.
HDoT was created by Deborah Lipstadt and Emory University. Deborah Lipstadt isn’t just any Jew. She’s a celebrated historian, academic and the US’s ‘Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism’. What HDoT says is backed by authority. I am mainly interested in official claims and not choose your own Holocaust adventures. I am interested in questioning official claims, not novelty takes.
As far as ‘pop media’ goes, people believe this stuff when they read it and it’s important to me that these claims are countered. Most people believe in the Holocaust because our culture is entrenched with Holocaust affirmation, not because they actually looked into it.