In part one I established that Miklos Nyiszli is an unreliable witness. To further cement that we will be dissecting more of Nyiszli’s claims.
To begin I’d like to talk about this exchange on Twitter (X):
My regular readers will know that hypothermia experiments are not evidence of the Holocaust, the Holocaust being the deliberate, continent-wide genocide of Jews and homicidal gas chambers. What this exchange does show, however, is that the alleged medical experiments are propagandistically used to cement the lie that Nazis were the pinnacle of human evil, which causes people to not question the larger claims about genocide and gas chambers. This is merely a misplaced sense of association inculcated by a lifetime of anti-Nazi propaganda.
Interesting side note: there is no evidence outside of witness testimony of Dr. Mengele performing unethical medical experiments in Auschwitz. However, there is documented evidence of Dr. Sigmund Rascher doing unethical hyperthermia experiments in Dachau. Rascher had joined NSDAP in 1933 and began his unethical experiments in 1942. He actually was a bad guy and was even arrested for abducting children—interesting how we never hear about him.
I did an informal poll and discovered, unsurprisingly, that the overwhelming majority have heard of Mengele but not Rascher. Why is a guy who they have no hard evidence of wrongdoing a household name as the preeminent evil doctor, but almost no one has heard of the actual evil Nazi? I encourage you to read this article about Rascher and think about that question for yourself. I believe that Rascher is not part of the Holocaust cinematic universe simply because he was not widely known by the Jewish inmates and therefore not a part of the witness testimony mythos like Mengele was. There is also the matter of Rascher’s research being utilized by the Allies:
Now I must admit that was a bit of a digression, as out of all the false accusations against Mengele, freezing experiments were not one of them. But this was something I learned while researching this article and I found it too interesting not to include. One must remember that the testimony of Miklos Nyiszli is the foundation of Mengele’s reputation as the “Angel of Death.”
What Mengele is famous for is the alleged twin studies. About this Nyiszli says:
Here each day every medical test that can be done on living humans is performed. Blood tests, spinal taps, blood transfusions between twins, and innumerable other tests, all of them painful and exhausting. (source, page 44)
What strikes me about this statement is how he says “innumerable other tests.” It’s almost like Nyiszli wants the reader to imagine all sorts of painful and barbaric experiments to further intrench the idea of Mengele being an twisted doctor of death and a force of cosmic evil. In part one I pointed out that Nyiszli claimed he was a doctor, not a writer that would present his testimony objectively without exaggeration. However, little tricks like this make me think otherwise.
Now I will present you with an example of Nyiszli changing his story. The following is from Nyiszli’s deposition given on July 28, 1945:
In the laboratory next to the autopsy room there were 14 twins under SS guard, sobbing bitterly. Without saying a word, Dr. Mengele prepared a 10-cm³ and a 5-cm³ syringe. From a container he took out Evipan, from another he took 20-cm³ chloroform vials and put them on the table. Then the first twin was brought in, a girl of around 14 years of age. Dr. Mengele ordered me to undress her and place her on the autopsy table. Then he administered an intravenous injection of Evipan into the right arm. After the child lost consciousness, he palpated for the left ventricle and injected 10 cm³ of chloroform. The child died after a convulsion, and Dr. Mengele had her taken to the morgue. The murder of all 14 twins happened in the same way that night. (source page 136)
But in Nyiszli’s book, I Was Dr. Mengele’s Forensic Pathologist in the Auschwitz Crematorium (published in 1946), the injection of chloroform became a monumental discovery of a dark secret that made Nyiszli’s knees shake and caused him to break out in a cold sweat:
(…)With tweezers I pull the blood clot apart, sniff it. The characteristic, powerful smell of chloroform hits my nostrils. The child received a chloroform injection to the heart! For no other purpose than that the blood in the left ventricle if the heart should coagulate due to the injected chloroform and, depositing against the heart valves, provoke immediate cardiac arrest.
My knees shake with excitement. I have discovered the Third Reich’s darkest medical secret [Felfedeztem a III. Birodalom orvostudomanyának legsötétebb titkát]. So they kill people here not just with gas, but also with injections of chloroform administered to the heart! Sweat bathes my forehead. It is fortunate that I am alone. In front of others I would scarcely have been able to conceal my emotion. I finish the autopsy.(…) (source page 47)
Spoiler: Nyiszli, a supposed witness to Mengele’s hideous crimes, was never killed. Despite claiming, “I have no doubt that I am a dead man walking. Is it conceivable that Dr. Mengele or the Berlin-Dahlem
Institute should allow me to live?” Even though the Germans had plenty of warning about the inevitable Soviet liberation of the camp and supposedly destroyed all the documental evidence, no one bothered to liquidate Nyiszli—or the 7,000 other prisoners that the Soviets found when they liberated the camp.Besides Nyiszli, most of the twins also survived the war. From Carlo Mattogno’s book on Nyiszli (page 389):
The three documents mentioned above, the list of the CANDLES organization, the list compiled by Kubica and the Soviet list of 1945, in addition to the Soviet list of inmates liberated at Birkenau, 425 permit the compilation of a list of 543 twins having passed through Auschwitz (see Table 2). Of these, 376 survived until the liberation of the camp; four died in the following months, one died on the evacuation transport on January 27, 1945, and twelve perished during the existence of the camp. Nothing is known of the remaining 154.
CANDLES (Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiment Survivors) was formed in 1984. The founders were able to locate 122 twins living in ten countries and four continents.
When it comes down to it, Nyiszli is demonstrably a liar and his testimony should be disregarded. If you are not convinced of Nyiszli’s status as an unreliable witness at this point then continue on to part three!
The israeli Gideon Greif also said Niyszli was an unreliable source, you didnt covered anything new, specially by not talking about other doctors such as Erich Hippke.
Furtermore, Rascher wasnt punished for being anti jew, he was punished for kidnapping babies(german ones? for his wife grift) and for murdering her assistant.
If this had happened to white people you would still call it a genocide and you would, correctly say the authorities punishing their Raschers were just covering for bad PR or something.
All in all this scene continues to score own goals with a strategy thats not truthful and helpful to white people and we will continue to reject the fake offer of slow jew subversion vs quick german or russian brutality onto europe.
1. Some Jew confirmed that Nyiszli was an unreliable witness yet his testimony still is used by Holocaust officials. What’s your point?
2. I never said Rascher was arrested for being anti Jew. What’s your point?
3. If genocide would have happened to White people? It didn’t happen to anyone.
4. You are running under the premise that the Holocaust was real and I do not accept that premise. One of the most important things to secure the future of White people is dispelling the anti White lie that is the Holocaust.
Please come back when you have an actual argument.
Hmm ok now you’re getting it. Let’s try something new. Keep my comment up if you believe that there was no Genocide against European jews
Damn this might be the most retarded website I’ve ever come across. I mean it’s one thing to use the false 271k number but to deny the Holocaust entirely is some next level shit. To whoever runs this site, I urge you to seek some medical and psychiatric help immediately. Almost every claim you make against the Holocaust can so easily be refuted with the photographic and video evidence taken by the einzatsgruppen.
Take this piece of stupidity denying the experiments by Dr Mengele. Mengeles own son Rolf revealed that Mengele admitted to what he did whilst at Auschwitz, and was unrepentant about it.
My god the person who runs this is truly without pity for the people who died.
Go ahead and refute one of my claims then.
“Go ahead and refute one of my claims then”
Nah I don’t debate Retards
All the refutations can be found on the Holocaust controversy blog
You sent me an email that said:
“I’m a historian, and I’ve visited the death camps, seen the evidence and photos, and have even interviewed an SS private who worked in Auschwitz, in the 1990s, so I’m able to debate you on your nonsense claims. So ask me anything. If you’re not too scared that is.”
And then you ran away when I asked for a specific example. Pathetic.
For anyone reading this that is actually interested in the truth, Mattogno has written a 1300 page book wrecking Holocaust Controversies.
Yes I did. Then you sent a bunch of neo Nazis after me and I addressed their claims. And then one said I’d go to hell for defending the Jewish people. So I figured debating with ppl like you is a waste of time. You’re a truly hate filled person. Holocaust Controversies also debunked mattognos book if I’m not mistake and continue to debunk codoh to this day. You’re not interested in the truth. You’re just a hateful person
But it’s not a waste of time to keep making comments on my site? If there are so many wrong claims on my site it should be easy to point out just one of them. But you can’t so you make personal attacks instead.
Hey where did my comment go? I thought you guys were all about “free speech”
Bro, relax. Have you ever heard of comment monitoring?
Heh. Who ever runs this account must realise that their ideas fall apart at the slightest bit of scrutiny. Why don’t we have a debate? Are you afraid?
What ideas in particular don’t hold up to scrutiny?
Btw that book by MGK you just posted about holocaust controversies was immediately refuted by them
How quickly the lies of this forum fall apart
That book was updated in 2015 and your link is from 2013.
The book was “slightly updated” according to the opening . Either way looking at the first and second editions the book is still mainly the same and has still been debunked by the folks over at HC
I found this quote that I think relates to you and people like you:
“ The famed social psychologist Leon Festinger observed the interesting phenomenon whereby the invalidation of a fringe group’s prophecies actually had the effect of strengthening that same group’s beliefs as a coping mechanism. They continued to (wrongly) believe because they were too invested in the project, and sought to bring as many others in line with their beliefs as possible. Unfortunately, they remained in the extreme minority, and thus could only resort to increasingly disconnected statements about the popularity of their own beliefs.”
Most claims you make have been debunked by holocaust controversies and indeed so have the claims of Graf, Mattogno etc
I’ll not be returning to this site but I seriously think you should invest in a therapist or psychiatrist to get to the bottom of your hateful views on the Jews
Why do you keep changing your name to comment? It’s kind of weird.