UPDATE (12/17/1982): It has recently come to my attention that Myles Power did address the two issues I brought up in my article in this video. I apologize for my failure in finding this video before I wrote the article. I will now correct the record.
At mark 21:53 Myles addresses the Prussian Blue on the outside wall of the delousing chamber. He attributes this to cracks in the morter. Which may or may not be true, but doesn’t matter. The fact is that the staining isn’t affected by being exposed to the elements as Myles claimed in his first video.
At mark 31:26 Myles watches the video where he is accused of deceptive editing. His response was to make excuses for the woman. That was not the point. The point was that Myles cut the video before she said Crema I was in an original state. Whether the woman was lying or just repeating was she was told does not come into it. Myles cut the video in such a way as to bolster his claim that they never tried to pass off Crema I as being in its original state. It is a gotcha moment not for anything to do with Crema I, but for showing that Myles is willing to deceive to make his points.
Since my original article was published Myles has wrote a review on Germar Rudolf’s, Chemistry of Auschwitz, which you can find here. Follow this link to read my response to his article.
Original Article Starts Here:
Myles Power is a YouTuber and self proclaimed chemist that occasionally likes to debunk Holocaust denial. Affirming the Holocaust on YouTube is a pretty sweet gig considering that YouTube does not allow any sort of Holocaust revisionism on it’s platform. YouTube is the biggest video sharing site on the internet and no one on there is allowed to dispute Power’s Holocaust affirming claims on it.
The Right Stuff dot Biz responded to Power’s claims on their own podcast and issued a challenge to Power to debunk Germar Rudolf’s book, The Chemistry of Auschwitz. Over two years later Power made a video response to this challenge.
The video was not a debunking of Rudolf’s book, however. At the beginning of the video Power said that it wasn’t that he couldn’t debunk the book, but that doesn’t like to be told what to do. Sure thing, buddy. So instead of addressing the book, he did an ad hominem attack on Rudolf instead.
Power was caught intentionally misrepresenting a David Cole video with a deceptive edit in order to bolster his fraudulent claim the Auschwitz Holocaust museum never passed of the building of Crema I for being in the original state. This is something you can clearly see happening if you allowed to watch the full video.
Let’s take a look at some of Power’s debunkings skills. In this video you can see Power giving the same excuse for the lack of Prussian blue in the alleged gas chambers and TRS’s response to it. Which is the same response in a previous post I wrote about this topic. To make a long story short, Power claims that the cyanide compound won’t penetrate the far into the wall. This is observably false as here we can see the Prussian blue has penetrated to the outside of the delousing chamber where Zyklon B was used in a non-sinister way to kill disease spreading lice.
So there you have it. Guys like Myles Power can make their Holocaust affirming videos, tell blatant lies and because Holocaust revisionism is so heavily censored he can just sit back and bask in the praise of virtue signalling commenters without the worry of a video rebutting him showing up on the sidebar.
I do suggest that you do watch the entire take down of Myles Power. It is entertaining and educational.
Myles Power’s article demolished at CODOH Forum: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?p=106890#p106890
They beat me to it! lol. Thanks for posting.
Appreciate your work
Thank you 🙂