A friend of the site emailed me with the idea to look at some Holocaust debates on Twitter. I have already done this for Reddit, so I wouldn’t want to leave anyone out.
Like most major social media platforms, Twitter does not allow Holocaust denial. In the Twitter terms of service (ToS), there is a “violent event denial” category that explicitly names the Holocaust (see image below). I would like to take this opportunity to explain why I don’t call myself a Holocaust denier. It is not because I find it insulting; it is simply for the fact that by using the term “deny,” it is implied that the thing in question is real. And, I don’t know if you were aware of this, the Holocaust as presented by officials is not real. It never happened. This is why Holocaust affirmers use the term “Holocaust denial.” It gives people the impression that the Holocaust is real and that people like me are merely denying its existence.
One of the screenshots sent to me involves the following Twitter conversation. If President John Travolta is truly on the the fence, I would love to have a discussion with him. However, I am permanently banned from Twitter and cannot join in. It is important to remember that one must be careful when arguing the Holocaust on Twitter. Because of the TOS you must tread carefully when debating the Holocaust or you can end up banned like myself. This can make it difficult to get your point across, which is exactly why Holocaust officials insist on having such restrictions on Holocaust “denial.”
This argument between President John Travolta and D-H is the kind of distracting argument that Holocaust officials would prefer you to have, interpreting a speech Hitler made instead of discussing the technical impossibilities of Holocaust claims. As I said before, speeches, diary entries, etc. are not substitutes for physical evidence. However, it is important know the talking points against this supposed evidence of the Nazi atrocities. You can read this and this article to learn about Hitler’s prophecy speech and the term “ausrotten.”
When searching for myself on Twitter (we all do that, right?), I found the following exchange about Belzec. I also ran across tweets promoting this website, which I greatly appreciate.
This exchange between ReplicantSkinjob and History Speaks (HS) involves the archaeological investigation at Belzec. HS states, “At Belzec, an archaeological investigation conducted in 1997-1998 (Kola) identified 33 mass graves with a combined surface area of 5,919 square meters and a total volume of 21,310 meters (figures confirmed by denier Mattogno). That is physical evidence.” Yes that is physical evidence, but physical evidence of what?
ReplicantSkinjob responds to HS with my article on Belzec, to which HS critiques my writing instead of addressing the issue. You can personally insult me all day long, HS, but insults are not arguments. HS fails to mention that Kola’s archaeological investigation consisted of taking core samples. No digging was done and no bodies were exhumed. Thus, no conclusions can be drawn and we do not have physical evidence that over 400,000 Jews were murdered in Belzec.
Now let’s look at a normie Holocaust affirmation. This usually takes the form of calling anything you don’t like “Nazi.” Aya T’s tweet, which received 6 million views, complains that Taylor Swift’s significant other is a Nazi because apparently he likes to watch videos of Black women being brutalized. Too bad Aya T never saw this video of Esther Anumu Fordham talking about growing up Black in Nazi Germany, and how the German people were so nice to her (thank you to the reader that sent in the video). Every time someone uses the word Nazi to mean evil, they are cementing the false Holocaust narrative into the public consciousness.
Our last specimen is a tweet from Michael Zessiner, who has an Israeli flag in his handle. He also calls something he doesn’t like, George Soros, “Nazi.” However, unlike Aya T, who is just being cliché and lazy, Zessiner is being subversive. If you didn’t know, George Soros is Jewish and he receives a lot of well-deserved criticism. Zessiner is obfuscating Soros’ Jewiness by calling him a Nazi. This act kills two birds with one stone, as it also promotes the “Nazi bad” meme to the conservatives who do not like Soros.
If you want to see the prevalence of the Holocaust in our culture and also break your brain a bit, just do a search for the latest tweets containing the word “Nazi.” One may be tempted to liken Holocaust belief to a virus; however, unlike a virus, the Holocaust narrative is not self-replicating. It takes a massive amount of resources and money to maintain the lie. This chink in the armor is being exploited by myself and other champions of truth.
Just FYI:
It appears the person behind Twitter/X/History__Speaks is named Matt Cockerill, and Ron Unz recently (re-)published something by him:
The Evidence for the Holocaust — An Introduction
Someone else had sent me that link earlier. There is no point in responding to Cockerill’s article, every point in it has already been refuted. He brings nothing new to the table.
Also, it never hurts to point out that Ron Unz is Jewish.