It’s Friday! Time to have a little fun and a few laughs. Let’s look at Reddit.
Reddit is heavily moderated rendering open discussion impossible. So what we are left with is an echo chamber full of people that are not only gleeful to repeat orthodox opinions, they also feel smart about doing so.
The following thread asks why are even Holocaust deniers, there’s just so much evidence! In some way I can’t blame them for thinking that. It’s what every institution of authority tells us. This user’s list of Holocaust evidence is pretty boilerplate so it’s obvious they got the messaging. Also, no serious revisionist would say the labor camps were like a summer camp, but the average person wouldn’t know that because serious revisionists are censored and misrepresented.
Let’s break down this Redditor’s argument.
Video evidence? Take a look at what Holocaust Encyclopedia presents as video evidence. No gas chambers, just some signs airing grievances with Jews. Physical evidence? I have successfully refuted the physical evidence presented by mainstream Holocaust promoters. None of it stands up to even mild scrutiny. Witness testimony? What Holocaust promoters won’t tell you is how wildly contradictory the ‘survivor’ accounts are with each other and with reality. Witness testimony is also an unreliable form of evidence. People can lie, especially when they have motivation to do so. Like when given the opportunity to extract revenge.
Below is another post from Reddit. These Jews were willing to cause the death of millions for their revenge on Germany. Do you really think it’s beyond reason to think a former Jewish labor camp inmate would lie about the Nazis?

Lastly we have the testimony from the Nazis. Testimony that was received under duress and torture and used without any ethical qualms at the Nuremberg show trials. Can’t really take those confessions for face value, especially when there is no physical evidence to back it up.
In another comment from the ‘why are there deniers’ thread we have someone that thinks it is stupid to question the narrative given to us by the victors of war. I have a feeling that this user also thinks that women can have penises.
My new friend, the Museum of Tolerance (MoT), actually has a list of valid reasons to scrutinize the Ally’s version of WW2 events. Of course MoT presents these reasons like they are invalid and not worth considering. By the way, MoT, the USSR was also a part of the atrocity propaganda concocting. Your failure to mention the Soviets speaks volumes.
The following is yet another response to the ‘why deny’ thread. At first you’d think that maybe this person had taken off their emotion glasses and put on their thinking cap. Sadly this wasn’t the case.
The engineering firm, Topf and Sons, did not devise a magical cremation technique. The camps had ovens designed for individual cremations that could process one body per hour at best. For more information about the cremation capacity in Auschwitz/Birkenau click here. Spoiler: It wasn’t enough for one million bodies.
DoomGoober goes on to say, “It’s like when your five year old catches you saying one thing wrong out of a hundred facts and suddenly everything you are saying is wrong.” No, it’s not like that. It’s more like that if a major pillar of your narrative proves to be false the whole thing comes tumbling down.
I used to have the urge to jump into a thread like this and refute away. However, I have come to realize that these people are not worth it. They are not going to believe or stop believing in something unless they see it on TV or similar authoritative outlet. If you are reading these words and aren’t already convinced that the Holocaust is a hoax then at least you have the mental fortitude to question it.
I really like this post because it takes all the effort you’d have made in a reddit thread and transmutes it over here, to a sensible place with links to resources to further show deep dives with well-founded reasoning. The sad thing is that on reddit, if you even put in the effort, there’s a high chance you’d: have your post deleted by a moderator, have your post shadowbanned, or even receive a ban from the subreddit on some grounds relating to their “hate policy” (which as we know, isn’t intended at all). Those with control over reddit content and user moderation basically sip coffee while destroying everything that threatens them and their core beliefs, letting only what they prefer percolate to the top. What then happens is you get these one-sided threads where all opponents who posted are censored and not even seen, sadly even reinforcing the optics that their side is the obvious intellectual victor.
You are fighting an army of strawmen holding fishy red-herrings, yet because it’s on controlled turf you automatically lose.
If I allow it in my head, these dunning kruger redditors stress me out and drive me up the wall. I too used to enter protracted debate discussion about the holocaust but usually only for snarky insults (found the nazi / only good nazi is a dead nazi / punch a nazi / kill a nazi / etc.), deletion of my comments, shadowbanning, etc. to the point where I realized with how the game rules are set up, it isn’t worth it. Check to see if any of your comments have been secretly deleted. You’ll notice too, that if you post about 911 truth movement stuff – something simple like link to – it can get automatically removed immediately by a bot even without human effort. They have certain URLs flagged and ready to eliminate.
It would be interesting for you to post a link to your post here in reddit comments about the holocaust, and say you’d be happy to further investigate any topic here. Maybe even put in some low-effort replies in the reddit but not much more because it’s not worth it. Again, these people are the perfect example of the dunning kruger effect: they have no clue what they’re talking about yet they think they’re so much more well-informed and smart than revisionists on the topic, many who spend a good portion of their lives as hobbyists on it.
At some point we have to realize that this is the exact aim of propaganda (who owns reddit and what are their political ideologies? hmm interesting to research), and they still have a propaganda chokehold. However, I still believe a day will come when their political power recedes, and intelligence intervenes to help set the record straight – whether that’s through more impartial scholars joining the scene (even from other countries such as in Asia) and AI as well. Your site is another asset helpful to this.
So yeah I’m a fan of your work and I’m still planning to read through them all. I’m so thankful people like you exist to keep the torch ignited in these dim times of ignorance.
Also one other thing. used to exist but I have no clue what happened to it. It used to have a bunch of awesome debate posts, but now everything is deleted and it’s a ghost town.
Thanks again for the kind words and thoughtful commentary.
I used to try to engage with redditors about the holocaust and other historical revisionism, it never works, these people have an incredibly secluded worldview.
The redditor bug-man race is not occupied with the truth, or greatness or whatnot, the redditor is the ultimate epitome of everything wrong with the modern world. If you try and counter their points, or bring hard evidence of their errors in logic and reasoning they will merely “downdoot” your post, declare you “Le bad” and “wholesome 0 chungus.”
These types of people are the ultimate fanatics, although appearance wise, their large gaping soy grin and baby yoda shirt may serve to make them look essentially harmless, these types of people will be the useful idiots for the Jews and oligarchs once it’s time to take the mask off against you, they will kill you and your family if they deem you a “fascist chud.”
I am new to this topic.
Last week started to look into this after come across “Europa” film . Then called my mum in Latvija and wanted to find out what she knew about Germans .
She told soldiers was very nice in comparison to Soviet soldiers ( what grandad expected) . That made me try to look into this “Holocaust” topic.
Thank you for your research. It’s very interesting to read your discoveries.
I am happy to hear that you are looking into this topic with an open mind. If you have any particular questions feel free to ask!