Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Today I will address Hitler’s Obersalzberg speech and the Goebbels diaries. Hitler’s Obersalzberg Speech: Here you can see that The Genocide Education Project uses an alleged quote from Hitler’s Obersalzberg speech. “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” is often…
Tag: Holocaust Affirmers
Gotcha! Part One
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. Part 6, Part 7 The following is a Holocaust affirmer meme that is meant to be a gotcha against Holocaust deniers. This might be impressive to the casual Holocaust believer because it’s a bunch of things they’ve never heard of. I’m also quite certain that people posting…
Oskar Gröning
I have previously addressed an article by retired Holocaust affirmer, Myles Power, on his review of Chemistry of Auschwitz, by Germar Rudolf. As is the custom of Holocaust affirmers Power brought witness testimony into a discussion about forensic science and because it was not actually related to the book I did not address the testimony…
Five Years for This? Part Two
Part 1 (Former) Holocaust affirmer, Myles Power wrote an ‘review’ of Chemistry of Auschwitz. Today I will pick up where I left off in part one on the critical analysis of the article. But before I get into that I would like to address this paragraph written by a self-proclaimed scientist: Myles complains that revisionists…
Five Years for This? Part One
Part 2 Five years ago (former) Holocaust affirmer Myles Power was challenged with debunking Chemistry of Auschwitz, by Germar Rudolf. On 12/17/22 he released his response to the challenge in the form of an article. The very same day a user on the CODOH forum had a rebuttal of Power’s article. Many other users also…
Another Dishonest Holocaust Affirmer
UPDATE (12/17/1982): It has recently come to my attention that Myles Power did address the two issues I brought up in my article in this video. I apologize for my failure in finding this video before I wrote the article. I will now correct the record. At mark 21:53 Myles addresses the Prussian Blue on…