Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 Let’s get right to it. The following is where I left off on the ADL’s denier debunking. Here the ADL references a quote from Hitler’s January, 1939 Reichstag speech, “the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of…
Tag: Holocaust Affirmers
Reverse Debunking the ADL Part Two
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4 Let’s continue reverse debunking the ADL. In part one I revealed how the ADL used out of context quotes and deceptive translations to try to make it seem like Hitler was contemplating annihilating the Jews as early as 1919. In reality Hitler was talking about removing Jews from Germany,…
Reverse Debunking the ADL Part One
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 The ADL has recently launched a resource hub for combating Holocaust denial. I have previously written an article on their ‘Key Tropes in Holocaust Denial’ section which you can read here. This series will focus on the ADL’s debunking of common Holocaust denial myths. It is important to keep…
A friend of the site let me in on a new ADL Holocaust propaganda project. Even though we’ve been assured that there is overwhelming, irrefutable evidence of the Holocaust, it is the only historical event that has to actively promote the official narrative while suppressing revisionists. There is a lot to unpack from this new…
Propaganda Dissemination
For reasons I found myself in a university library today. I took the opportunity to check out their selection of Holocaust affirming literature. Of course nowadays everything is online and students don’t check out books. Still it is interesting to see the dissemination of Holocaust propaganda through academic institutions. My academic adventure began by parking…
Why Deny?
It’s Friday! Time to have a little fun and a few laughs. Let’s look at Reddit. Reddit is heavily moderated rendering open discussion impossible. So what we are left with is an echo chamber full of people that are not only gleeful to repeat orthodox opinions, they also feel smart about doing so. The following…
Gotcha! Part Seven
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 J.A Toft and Sons: J.A. Topf and Sons (which I will refer to as Topf) was an engineering company founded in 1878 in Erfurt, Germany, by Johannes Andreas Topf. During WW2 they built crematorium ovens for the camps. According to this Wikipedia article Topf assisted the Nazis into making mass…
Gotcha! Part Six
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7 Himmler’s Report number 51: A websearch for this item will lead you to an entry from the Jewish Virtual Library. This is the extent of that entry: Looking at this table with all the ingrained assumptions that most have about the Holocaust might have one thinking…
Gotcha! Part Five
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7 500 Known Mass Graves in Ukraine: 500 mass graves might sound impressive to the casual observer, but this is only because the casual observer doesn’t actually know that much about the Holocaust. First off, the alleged death camps were all located in Poland. Not Germany,…
Gotcha! Part Three
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 This meme is going down. I left off with the following excerpt from Wikipedia in part two. They claim that Goebbels dairies provides evidence for the Holocaust because they contained copies of the Wannsee Conference protocols. Thing is the Wannsee protocols are actually…