I haven’t paid attention to Holocaust Denial of Trail (HDoT) in a while. I hope they do not feel neglected. I hope they are not salty at the fact that SimilarWeb.com says I get more internet traffic than they do.

In the following excerpt from HDoT’s article on crematoria repairs HDoT asks “How do we know that breakdowns of crematory ovens did not significantly impair the cremation of nearly 900,000 Jews? ” This is not the right question to ask. The better question being, “is it possible to make over one million bodies allegedly murdered in Auschwitz/Birkenau disappear without a trace?” But we’ll see what HDoT has to say anyway.
In the paragraph above Hdot also crudely presents an argument from Carlo Mattogno. I wondered why Mattogno was using the number of 675,000 for number of corpses cremated. So I checked out HDoT’s source, which is from the book, Auschwitz : The End of a Legend : Critique of Jean-Claude Pressac. In this book I discovered that Pressac, an officially endorsed Holocaust affirmer, actually did some of his own revisionism by claiming that only 800,00 Jews were gassed in Auschwitz/Birkenau instead of over one million. Pressac also claims that 675,000 bodies were cremated in ovens and this is the what Mattogno is responding to. See the two pages below if you would like the full context of Mattogno’s claim.
Now, why would HDoT choose to use this particular argument from Mattogno? This article by Mattogno was released the same year as the book, 1994, and more thoroughly covers the topic of crematory ovens and their breakdowns. I think I actually answered my own question there. We will look at this article in a bit.
In the paragraph below HDoT asserts that the crematory ovens were in constant operation, which caused breakdowns that were easily repaired. They also admit that the capacity of the ovens would become overwhelmed and bodies were burned outdoors when this happened. So right there is the admission that the bodies to be burned exceeded the capacity of the crematory ovens. Considering the fact that the claim of these alleged open-air burnings have been debunked, Mattogno is correct by saying, “The cremation of 675,000 corpses is technologically impossible, and consequently no mass extermination was perpetrated at Auschwitz-Birkenau.” That could be the end of this story right there. However, addressing HDoT’s arguments is much too fun to pass up.
The following is an excerpt from Mattogno’s article that was ignored by HDoT. It addresses the uninterrupted operation of the cremation ovens. Frist, the ovens had to be cleaned. This should be obvious, but HDoT never mentions it in this article. Secondly, there is documentation that acknowledges the need to cease operations for cleaning.
So what exactly is HDoT’s case for constant operation of the cremation ovens? First, HDoT claims a letter from Karl Bischoff that states the ovens should ideally run on a continual basis. It is important to note that Bischoff was the head of the Central Building Administration. He was not an engineer or an employee of Topf and Sons, the company that manufactured the cremation ovens.
HDoT has a separate article about the Bischoff letter mentioned above and I have an article responding to it. In that HDoT article it says, “… It summarized the ideal cremation capacity for the 52 muffles in a 24-hour period (including down time for cleaning and maintenance)“. I guess HDoT has multiple writers that aren’t aware of what the each other has written or they have their own definition of constant and continuous.
HDoT also claimed that repairs were easily fixed. Their evidence for this is that Filip Muller said they used special fireclay paste to patch the cracks for most repairs.
Apparently HDoT doesn’t just misrepresent Holocaust revisionists, but Holocaust survivors as well. The following is the from Muller’s book where he talks about the special paste. From what Muller says there is more to the repair process that would have taken the ovens out of operation longer than simply applying paste. One should note that Muller is an unreliable witness and his testimony should be taken with a grain of salt. Nonetheless, HDoT did cherry pick what Muller said to make their point.
And that is the extent of the evidence. The remainder of the article is about open-air cremations, which I have already addressed. Once again we have a Holocaust narrative that is reliant on witness testimony. Witness testimony that HDoT has misrepresented.
HDoT’s arguments aren’t bad because it’s a slapdash website, Deborah Lipstadt wouldn’t put her important Jewish name on some ragtag operation. HDoT’s arguments are bad because they are trying to defend the indefensible. It doesn’t matter how smart or scholarly you are, you’re going to have a bad time if you try to argue for something that just isn’t true.