Let us continue where we left off in the discussion of Adam Klein’s article.
You’ll notice how this next section is called ‘A conspiracy resurrected’. Holocaust revisionist is not a conspiracy theory. Revisionists are not the ones making the accusation. It is the Holocaust itself, the claim of Germans murdering 6 million Jews, that is the conspiracy. Revisionists are simply fact checking the claims made by the accusers.
In the paragraph above Klein is once again poisoning the well by calling Metapedia and The Occidental Observer ‘faux-informational’ websites. On what grounds does he have to make this charge? The fact that these sites simply have an alternative viewpoint to the official Holocaust narrative. It’s easier for Klein to label sites with dissenting views as fake information than it is for him to actually address what they are saying.
Next, Klein is complaining about people having any sort of discussion about the Holocaust being fake and he links to articles that are also complaining about people saying the Holocaust is fake. There is no such hullabaloo for the #noplanes theory about the September 11th attacks or for denying the Holomador. So if the Holocaust is so real and true with so much irrefutable evidence why does the Holocaust narrative need so much protection from doubters?
What I do find interesting is this Mother Jones article linked to at the end of the paragraph above. It is true that Holocaust denier, Charles Johnson, was invited to the 2018 State of the Union address by a congressman. How could have a big ol’ evil Holocaust denier haven received such a prestigious invite? The answer is in the following Q and A from the Mother Jones article. Read it and see if you can guess what it is:
If you couldn’t guess I highlighted the answer for you. Most likely Johnson, who was somewhat popular at one point, was some sort of gatekeeper who was trying to sway Holocaust denier types to support Israel.
That brings us back to something Klein said earlier in his article, “They [Holocaust deniers] held annual conferences and gathered fellow deniers to share their beliefs that these events [the Holocaust] were conjured up by the Jewish people mostly as a means to justify the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.” The Holocaust narrative benefits the Jews in many ways and the justification for the Jewish state of Israel at the expense of Palestinian lives is just one of them. This article from Forward, pictured below, is just one of many examples of Jews invoking the Holocaust to protect Israel.
In the following paragraph Klein is once again calling Holocaust revisionism ‘hate’. This is nothing more than an attempt to delegitimize it. There is nothing hateful about wanting to know the truth. What’s actually hateful is knowingly blood libeling the German people for decades upon decades. Klein then has some goofy ‘information laundering’ theory as a cope for the fact that revisionist ideas spread because reasonable people find the arguments convincing and compelling.
To end this section we are again reminded of the good news that more and more people are willing to question the Holocaust narrative. Klein is worried that once the Holocaust survivors are gone Holocaust questioning will become an even bigger problem for the Holocaust promoters. This worry illustrates the Holocaust industry’s reliance on witness testimony. Perhaps if there were actual physical evidence instead of just-so stories as to why that physical evidence doesn’t exist, the Holocaust officials wouldn’t be having all these problems and wouldn’t need all this censorship. Of course, something needs to have actually happened in order for their to be evidence of it.
Continue to part three.
“Illegitamate forms of inforation” sounds an awful lot like “unnaproved forms of information”
His wording is very odd and might make you think that the Information is true but just not allowed… He could call the ‘information’ “lies”, but he chooses not to.
I think he’s doing it on purpose as holocaust narrative reinforcement. Because he knows that system supporters do not care about what is true and he wants the people that may dissent from the system to be scared and know what the boundaries for them are.
“by calling Metapedia and The Occidental Observer ‘faux-informational’ websites.”
As opposed to Wikipedia and the entire mainstream media? LOL!!!