Today I would like to address the following article written by Adam G. Klein. The tagline of the article’s website, The Conversation, is,’ academic rigor, journalistic flair’. Does this article employ academic rigor? We’ll see. Will Klein provide evidence that fights Holocaust denial? Let’s find out.
The first bit is about how 1 in 4 American millennials don’t fully believe the Holocaust narrative. In response to this good news companies like Facebook and Twitter decided that more censorship is needed. Instead of having The Conversation about the Holocaust, all discussion is shut down. Why would something that is so true that has so much evidence require extreme censorship to protect its narrative?
Next Klein underlines the need to promote survivor testimony. As I have said many times before, survivor testimony is essential to the official Holocaust narrative because of the lack of physical evidence. It also can manipulate a person’s emotions and get them to take their thinking cap off, thus opening their brain to all sorts of nonsense.
This next section really illustrates the mixture of academic rigor and journalistic flair. Ignoring the text for now let’s focus on the picture below that is captioned, “A photo taken April 12, 1945 [remember this date], shows just some of the bodies found by U.S. troops when they arrived at Nordhausen concentration camp in Germany.” We have the academic rigor of the photo’s caption being technically true and the journalistic flair of misrepresenting the photo by omitting key facts. Notice the buildings. It is obvious that they had been bombed. Were the Germans bombing their own camps? No. It was the Allies. The Allies has bombed Nordhausen on April 3rd and 4th and killed 8,800 people, including 1500 sick prisoners at the camp. Therefore the Allies were responsible for those dead bodies. Yet this photo has been used countless times to demonize the German people. This is especially egregious considering that German civilians were massacred. This is akin to the Allies showing the sick and starving inmates in the liberated camps and not mentioning that they had been bombing the Germans food and supply lines. There is a lot more to this story and I encourage you to watch this video to learn more, including testimony from a Jewish doctor that survived the Allied bombing.
In the text Klein states, “Pseudo-academic groups like the Institute for Historical Review, for example, spent years working to distort the public’s aging memory of the Holocaust…” Distorting the public’s memory really means providing an alternate viewpoint. Something that the Holocaust officials can not allow to be seen by the masses.
Klein continues, “They tried to cast doubt on the feasibility of the mass executions, and even the existence of the gas chambers. “ The link provided for the ‘existence of the gas chambers’ opens the article pictured below. The article is about a lawsuit over a $50,000 reward that was offered for proof that Jews were gassed in concentration camps.
Even though I’m still a little sore at my robot assistant, Bill, over our argument, he did answer a important question for me. Namely that courts of law are not for establishing the validity of historical events. Courts are for resolving legal disputes and applying the law. Mel Mermelstein, the Holocaust survivor who won the initial case, won because the court took judicial notice that Jews were gassed in camps. The court case Klein invoked is not proof, nor did it provide proof, of the existence of homicidal gas chambers. It was simply a technicality, a trick, just like the Holocaust itself. Something Klein fails to mention is that Mermelstein never collected a dime from the defendants, the Institute for Historical Review (IHR), and was rebuked by the court after making further frivolous and malicious legal claims of emotional damage that were clearly aimed at shutting down free speech by bankrupting IHR.
At the end of the ‘A decadeslong campaign’ section we have a picture of some well fed- not starving- living- not gassed- children. In the first paragraph below Klein asserts that Holocaust deniers were once thwarted by accounts of soldiers who liberated the camps. Soldiers who said they saw body-filled crematoriums and mass graves. What about gas chambers though? Finding dead bodies, while horrifying on its own, is no big whoop considering there was this whole war thing going on. Klein links to a article about the US Army liberating Dachau. Dachau wasn’t even claimed to be a extermination camp. Of course the US Army didn’t liberate any alleged death camps because they were all in Poland which was under Soviet control after the war. So a US soldier’s account can’t really do anything to prove the use of homicidal gas chambers in the alleged extermination camps.
In the second paragraph above Klein pretends like he knows the motivations of people that question the Holocaust and poisons the well by calling them hateful. Klein attempts to discredit Holocaust revisionism by calling it veiled anti-Semitism. Do not let Klein gaslight you though, Holocaust revisionism is a legitimate academic pursuit. There are plenty of scholars and academics that dissent against the Holocaust narrative. They are not as visible because they get ignored, deplatformed and even put in prison. There is also the fact that people in the academic field know that questioning the official narrative is a third rail that will end their career.
Continue to part 2.
Here is a rather amusing reddit thread on this
That is an interesting thread. I like how someone asked, “Can someone explain holocaust denial to me? If I was an antisemite, I’d be like, “hell yeah we killed a bunch of jews, and it was awesome!” So why do white supremacists deny it happened?” That’s a very good question.
Followed links to some other threads on the subject and was reminded of how retarded Reddit is. Their “refutations” to the objections of fact checks ultimately boil down to reiterating their claims and accusing questioners of being “hateful.”
Truly, I shudder to think what rage the world will express, after it finally realises the nature and scope of the sham to which it has been subjected. Surely the Holohoax is a template for ‘the Great Deception’ of which Paul speaks in 2 Thessalonians 2:11. I am thankful that sites like this exist, which expose the darkness, and shed light on the truth.
I’m happy that you find the site useful. Knowing that it makes a difference is great motivation to keep writing!
Can I just say how incredible this site is??!! You’ve condensed many large books into small snippets that are easy to read and understand if you’re a beginner holocaust doubter, I could certainly reference these articles to someone whom I’m trying to convince and probably will.
Not sure if you’ve covered this topic before but I recommend looking into the alleged gas vans, a strange staple of the holocaust, many “photos” exist of them on the internet that on a surface level portray these devices as being real and well documented, as it turns out, pressure Jews themselves and they will admit that every single photo that appears when you search up “gas vans” is fake.
Thank you for the compliment! I’m glad you find the site useful.
I have only done one article on gas vans so far,
Funny story about the fake gas van photos. I was arguing with a guy that was using one, I showed him where on Wikipedia they admit that it was only a van similar to a gas van. They guy then proceeded to call Wikipedia a Nazi site. lmao
” Dachau wasn’t even claimed to be a extermination camp.”
I thought the U.S. built a fake shower room/gas chamber in Dachau right after the war and claimed it was an extermination camp up until about 1959/1960?
They claim there was a gas chamber but it was never used.
Here is my article about that,