In my article about talking to conservatives about Palestine I described a hypothetical conversation I could have with a childhood friend about supporting Palestine. Today I am going to discuss how I would talk to her about the illegitimacy of the Holocaust narrative.
My friend has been a long-term employee of the public school system, so there would be some added resistance there. It might be too upsetting for her to accept that something so widely taught in schools could be untrue. I’ll get into the psychological barriers in part two.
My first line of attack on the Holocaust narrative would be a direct shot at the star of the story: Auschwitz/Birkenau. To do that, I would start with this image of the Krema II blueprints, where the alleged gas chamber was located, and explain how the alleged gassing process worked. A process which was said to have killed one million Jews in four similar gassing facilities from the dates of September 3, 1941 to November 25, 1944.
I would tell her that according to the combined testimony of the survivors of the Sonderkommando, the Sonderkommando being Jewish prisoners that helped the Germans murder their fellow Jews, the gas chamber (room 2) could hold as many as 3,500 people. The Jews would be told to go down the stairs into room 1 where they were to undress and put their belongings on a numbered peg. From there they would somehow be herded into room 2 through that tight corridor. How big was room 2? 210 square meters—4/5 the size of a tennis court. After the alleged gassing took place, the Sonderkommando would drag the bodies to a lift that had a capacity of 660 pounds. That lift would take the bodies back to the ground floor where there were 15 openings, or muffles, in the cremation furnace. Each muffle was designed to cremate one person at a time at the rate of one person per hour.
At this point, I would ask my friend if she believed that the Germans would have carried out mass murder in this fashion. Not just once, but day after day of employing this harebrained and inefficient method of systematically murdering one million Jews. Because if you don’t, you’re a Holocaust denier and this is just one of the many aspects of the Holocaust claims that are absolutely absurd. Furthermore, if even just one aspect is shown to be false, shouldn’t that cast doubt on the entire story?
My friend might agree that the method is absurd, but it’s not entirely impossible. Such a statement would open the door to a plethora of Holocaust claims about the gas chambers that are impossible. Like the Sonderkommando going into the chamber minutes after the alleged gassing when the cyanide levels in the room still would have been lethal. Or that the crematories did not have the capacity to cremate one million bodies and there is no evidence for the claim that bodies were burned outdoors. And we have the fact that Holocaust fabulists cannot account for the lack of Prussian Blue in the alleged gas chambers.
At this point my friend my ask why America would propagate such a big lie like this? To which I can refer to my “Why Lie” article for the longer answer. Or I could just say that the fact that Britain starting the conflict by declaring war on Germany and America’s participation on the Western front was unjustified. Not only that, the supposed reason for Britain starting the war, Poland’s sovengrity, was not resolved. Poland was actually worse off after the war as the Soviets gained full control of it. The Allies needed a justification and when they liberated the camps they saw an opportunity to craft atrocity propaganda so vile that not only would it justify the war, but it would also distract from their own war crimes.
My friend might interject and say that X family member liberated a death camp, that they saw it. To this I would have to remind her that all of the alleged death camps were in Poland and liberated by the Soviets and I don’t recall her having any Russian ancestry.
For my readers that have already read my article “Dear Holocaust Believers,” I will not repeat myself. If you have not read it I highly encourage you to do so for more talking points that you can use to reason with your friends/family.
Continue to part two where I discuss talking points that are outside of debunking claims about the Holocaust itself and focus on things like the psychological barriers I mentioned earlier.
Taking the usual figure for the number of alleged victims as 6 million:
The war lasted 5 full years (1940 – 1944), plus 4 months in 1939 (Sep – Dec), and 4 months in 1945 (Jan – Apr) — that is approx 2065 days — this is 2900 victims per day, or 2 victims per minute, every hour of every day during that time — which is ridiculous of course.
But no one claims the ‘Holocaust’, i.e. the organized extermination of Jews, began on 01 Sep 1939 and continued every day throughout the war, up until the very end, nor that the killing was widely distributed — shortening the time span raises the rate of victims per day and per minute, perhaps significantly, depending on when you decide to set the start and end date for the mass killing, and all of that allegedly happened in just a few locales, without leaving a trace.
Not a single corpse or body part has ever been found and the cause of death proven to have been cyanide poisoning.
Convictions for murder when no body was found to prove the victim is actually dead and determine the cause of death are so rare there is a Wikipedia page about it:
List of murder convictions without a body
Da reel Hall of Cost is da price of Malt Liquor ! How many people do you think could fit in the Gas Chamber?
You could cram 2000 people in there. However, it would be shoulder to shoulder and there is only one door at the end. The supposed gassing victims would have to be 100% willing and cooperative in order to fit that many people in there. It’s just not something that would have happened in the real world.